Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lunch at Clam Box

今日は約1年ぶりに Ipswich にある Clam Box へ蛤のフライを食べにやって来ました。ボストンからは車で40分ほどなので気軽に来られます。

Today we came to Clam Box in Ipswich, MA, to get some fried clams.  It's been almost a year since we came here last time.  It's only ~40 min drive from Boston.

Outside tables were also available, but it was chilly today and we decided to eat inside the restaurant.

This is the small box of fried clams (but so many clams in there).  Clams were very big, rich in flavors and yummy.  We both thought that this one was better than that we had last year.  Maybe it depends on the quality of clams available on that day.

We also had the fried scallop mini-meal (which came with one side and we chose onion rings).

These scallops were very good - big, juicy, tender and sweet.  We loved the onion rings, too, but had too much fried food and got heartburn afterwords...

After the lunch we drove around the area and found a tiny beach.
でもとても風が強くて寒かったので、ほんの少しだけ Poirot と散歩してすぐに退散しました。また暖かくなったらゆっくり散歩しに来たいと思います。

We walked around a bit, but it was too cold to stay longer at this beach - so we just let Poirot do his business and drove back to Boston.  I would like to come back again when the weather gets warmer...

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