Sunday, July 1, 2012

Brunch at New China Pearl

今日はあるレストランを訪れたのですが、しばらく来ない間になんと閉店してしまっていました。仕方がないので近くにあった新龍鳳 (New China Pearl) で飲茶を食べることにしました。ここに来たのもかなり久しぶり。

Today we came to the restaurant where we hadn't visited quite a while, only to find out it was permanently closed...  So instead, we went to New China Pearl nearby for dim sum.

We were seated after a short wait.  Here dishes are pushed around on carts, so we grabbed whatever we wanted to try.  This is the curry-flavored squid. The squid were a bit  mussy - I prefer it to have more texture...

Steamed pork rib - too many bones and too little meat...

We ordered the sticky rice in lotus leave, but did not eat it and took it home (we were too full).  

The pork and duck egg porridge.  This was very lightly flavored.

This was for my husband - beef tripe which I don't like.  But he said this was good.

These are the steamed shrimp and pork balls on shiitake mushrooms.  Nothing special...

The steamed shrimp dumplings.  It had a lot of shrimp meat, but the skin was too thick and fell  apart when I picked it with my chopsticks - disappointing.
韮と海老入りの焼き饅頭。これは私のお気に入りの一品で、どこのお店でも見つけると大概注文します。ここのもまあまあいけます。全体的には、最近の私達のお気に入りの飲茶のお店、溫莎點心美食 (Winsor Dim Sum Café) に比べいまいちですが、お店は広く無料駐車場もあるので便利といえば便利です。まあ当分来ないとは思いますが。

Grilled shrimp and chive dumplings - one of my favorite dim sum dishes.  This restaurant's version was not too bad.  Overall, it is not as good as our recent favorite, Winsor Dim Sum Café.  But this restaurant is very spacious and free parking is available, so it may be convenient for some people.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Anniversary Dinner at Menton

今日はちょっと早めの結婚記念日のお祝いに、Menton へやって来ました。約2年ぶりの訪問です。

Today we came to Menton for (early) celebration of our anniversary.  It's been almost 2 years since we last visited here.
お料理 (今回もまた4 コースの Prix Fixe) を注文し終わるとすぐに3種類のアミューズブッシュが出されました。最初のはヤギのチーズ入りの (甘くない) マカロン。マカロンは玉ねぎ入りでおいしい!ヤギのチーズは好きではないのですがこれはにおい控えめで、私でも大丈夫でした。

As soon as we placed our order (4-course prix fixe), 3 different kinds of amuse bouche were brought to us.  The first one was the tiny onion macarons with goat cheese.  This was very good (I don't usually like goat cheese, but this one was very mild and even I could eat).

The second amuse bouche was the corn bread with caviar.  This was just OK.

The third one was the deviled eggs made with quail eggs.

My husband ordered the Italian white wine that was recommended by our waiter.


I didn't taste it, but he loved this wine.

A mini croissant was then served - we had teh same thing last time. 
さてここからいよいよお料理の登場。私の1品目は平目のクルード。ココナッツのシャーベット、コブミカン (カフィア・ライム) とオキサリス添えです。

Finally our course started.  The first dish I ordered was the fluke crudo with coconut sorbet, kaffir lime and oxalis.
見た目が夏らしくて綺麗。お味はかなりさっぱりしていますが平目は歯ごたえがあってやっぱりおいしい! ココナッツのシャーベットがいいアクセントになってました。

it was very summer-like looking.  It was very light but the fish was firm and chewy (in a good way).  The coconut sorbet gave a nice accent to the dish.

My husband chose the torchon of foie gras de canard with big cherries and   pistachio.

I am not a big fan of foie gras, so I didn't taste it.  But according to my husband, this was better than he had when we visited here last time.
1品目の後、パンが3種類出てきました。ミニバゲット、ローズマリーのフォカッチャとレモン風味のパン (名前は忘れました)。私のお気に入りはレモン風味のパン。

After the first course, 3 kinds of bread were served - mini baguette, rosemary focaccia and lemon-flavored bread (forgot its name).  My favorite was the lemon-flavored one.

Then came the second dish - I chose the Rhode Island striped bass with red leaf lettuce and truffle for my second course.  The skin was a bit tough, but hte fish itself was juicy and good.

For my husband it was the grey mullet with barley, spring onion and chanterelle.

This was not bad, but it tasted rather plain and boring.  I liked the chanterelle, though.

This is my third course, Marcho Farm veal.  It was supposed to come with ris de veau, but I don't like it and asked to replace it with the normal meat.  The meat was very, very tender and juicy and I loved the sauce, too.  This was my favorite dish of the day. 

My husband ordered the porcelet (3-ways).  The front one was the crispy pork belly.

The middle one was the pork loin.  This was very tender and moist - loved it.  I didn't try the third one (triangular shape), so I don't know what it was...
そして4品目のデザート。お皿には "Happy Anniversary!" と  "Congratulations!" の文字が書かれてました。 これは最初に結婚記念日のお祝い、そして子供が生まれる前 (実は8月初旬が予定日) の最後の (ちょっと高級な) ディナーということを言っていたためだと思います。

And the forth course - dessert.  Our plates were decorated with the words "Happy Anniversary!" and "Congratulations!" as we told our waiter that this was to celebrate our anniversary and also was the last nice meal before our baby would arrive (my due date is the first week of August).
私は "フランボワーズ" というのにしたのですが、これはいまいちでした。

I chose the dessert called "Framboise", but this was not very impressive.

This is my husband's dessert, the tonka bean panna cotta.
これは私のデザートよりもおいしい! 特にピンクペッパーコーンのアイスクリームとミニカヌレが気に入りました。

This was better than mine - I especially loved the pink peppercorn ice cream and mini canelé.

At the end, 3 small sweets were also served - tea jelly, profiterole and chocolate.  It was nice of the restaurant to give us these treats (we enjoyed them with our coffee), but they were nothing special (taste-wise).

And we were also served with super mini macarons.  I think these were even smaller than those we got 2 years ago.  I doubt someone with big hands can make these macarons...  Overall, the meal we had was better than 2 years ago, but at this price point we can eat much better in Japan or France....

After the dinner we walked to the Fish Pier to see the tall ships that were visiting Boston.
3年前 (?) は10 隻 ほど来たのですが今回は4隻だけ。でも夜にはライトアップされてきれいでした。

More than 10 ships came 3 (?) years ago but this year there were only 4.  But the ships were illuminated at night and very beautiful.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lunch at Neptune Oyster

今日はまたまた North End にある Neptune Oyster へやって来ました。まずはボケロネス (カタクチ鰯の酢漬け) 入りのシーザーサラダ。

Today we came to Neptune Oyster in North End again.  First we ordered the Caesar salad with boquerones.
写真がちょっとぼけてますが、ペコリノチーズがたっぷりかかっていてかなりおいしいサラダでした (お値段高めですが)。

This picture does not look very good, bu the salad had a lot of pecorino cheese and was very tasty (although it was a bit pricey).

For the main, we ordered the fish tacos.  Each taco had two big pieces of fried fish.
お魚はサーモンと鱈 (?) の2種類。お魚は両方ともジューシー。付け合せのサラダがさっぱりしていてお魚のフライに良く合います。

Two kinds of fish were used - salmon and cod (?).  Both were very juicy.  I also loved two kinds of salad (carrots and cabbage) - very refreshing.

And the must item, the lobster roll (hot with butter).

As always, lots of big lobster chunks and buttery bun - so yummy!  I can eat it every day!  We'll be back soon again.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dinner at Gourmet Dumpling House

今日はいつも大人気のお店、南北風味 (Gourmet Dumpling House) へ久しぶりにやって来ました。待つのを覚悟していたのですが運良く最後の1席をゲット。テーブル間は超狭く、人一人通るのも一苦労の小さなお店です。太った人は多分テーブルの間を通り抜けることはできません。

Today we visited Gourmet Dumpling House, a very popular restaurant in China Town.  I was preparing for a long wait, but luckily we could get the last table.
まずは豚の耳、麻辣耳絲。コリコリしておいしい! 隣の席のアメリカ人がこいつら何食べてるんだというような不思議そうな顔でこっちを見てました。

First we ordered the chilled spicy pig ears.  I love the texture of pig ears.  American couple sitting next to us were looking at this dish, wondering what the heck these Asians were eating!
夫の希望で台湾式の春巻き (?)、臺式潤餅を注文したのですが、なぜかこんなものが出てきました。

My husband wanted to try the Taiwanese rolls.  But we were served with this dish which didn't look like rolls...
あれっ? と思っているとさらに春巻きの皮の様な物も。

But then came the thin layers of wraps. 

Here, you have to make your own rolls by wrapping the ingredients (pork, dried tofu, vegetables, etc) with a warp.

This was unexpected as we were imagining Taiwanese rolls that we usually get at night markets in Taiwan, but it was not bad at all.

Then we got the squid with Chinese celery.  Very light flavor.  Squid was very tender and I loved the aroma of Chinese celery.
さらに焼き餃子、山東鍋貼。もう私はおなかいっぱいで1つしか食べられませんでしたが、お肉はとってもジューシーでした。ここはメニューの品数がとても多く、まだまだ食べたいものがいっぱい。またそのうち再訪したいと思います。And we also ordered the Sandong style pan fried dumplings.  I was so full that I could ate only one piece, but the meat was very juicy and good.  There are so many other dishes I want to try at this restaurant, so we'll be back here soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lowell Spinners Game

今日はボストン・レッドソックスのマイナーリーグチーム、ローウェル・スピナーズ (Lowell Spinners) の試合を見に行ってきました。これは去年私の勤める会社の社内行事で見に来るはずだったのですが雨で試合が中止になったためその振り替えです。

Today we went to watch a Lowell Spinners game (Red Sox minor league team) - this was a rain check for the game last year (for my company's summer outing) which was canceled due to heavy rain.

Last year we had the dinner in the rain (but under the roof) and got the exact same diner this year as well.
メニューはポークリブ、ソーセージ、チキンウィング、牛肉のステーキなどこれでもかというほどお肉ばっかり。申し訳程度にコーンと玉葱のソテーもありましたがかなり栄養のバランスは悪いです (野菜サラダもあったのですが、レタスが萎びてて食べる気がしませんでした)。

90% of the dishes were meat - pork ribs, sausages, hot dogs, beef steaks, chicken wings...  At least we had some corns and grilled onions, too.

After the dinner, we went up to the stadium and waited for the game to start.

Today's players' names were hand-written on the wall but I didn't know any of the names...

It was the first game of the season, so we had a long ceremony before the game.  First, a helicopter flied in from nowhere and dropped a ball onto a mound, then flied away.
11歳の女の子が国歌斉唱を行ったのですが (めちゃくちゃうまかった!)、歌が終わるとともに昔の衣装を着た人たちがいっせいに鉄砲を発射! 予想してなかったのでそのすごい音に思わず飛び上がってしまいました。

A 11 year old girl sang the National Anthem (she was very good!), and at the end of the song, these people wearing the old costumes fired their guns.  It was totally unexpected and I was so shocked when  I heard a big sound.

Then several mascots of Spinners came out and danced, but I couldn't tell what kind of animals these were...

さらになんと私の同僚が抽選で選ばれ始球式の球を投げることに! 残念ながら球はキャッチャーのはるか手前に落ちてしまいましたが、すごくいい思い出になると思います。このほかにも子供達が球場を一周したり、観客も一緒になって楽しめるセレモニーでした。

And, one of my colleagues was selected for the ceremonial first pitch!!  The ball she threw was not as good as it could be, but it would become a very good memory for her!  In addition to these, there were many other events (kids walking around the stadium, etc) before the game, and we all enjoyed the ceremony as we felt we were a part of it.

Finely at ~7:30 pm the game started, but by the time it was very chilly (I forgot to bring my jacket) and I couldn't stand it any longer - so we left after the third inning (next day one of my colleagues told me that Spinners won (2-1) the game).  It was no comparison to a Red Sox game, but tickets are very cheap and the magnetosphere is very relaxed, so it would be a nice summer activity for families.