Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lunch at Trattoria di Monica

今日は散歩がてら久しぶりに North End (ボストンにあるイタリア人街) にお昼ごはんを食べにやってきました。

Today we visited North End and had our lunch there.
訪れたのは全部で20数席しかない小さなレストラン、Trattoria di Monica です。

The restaurant we picked today is Trattoria di Monica, a tiny restaurant with ~20 seats or so.

As soon as we sat at our table, bread and olive oil/balsamic vinegar were delivered.  The bread was OK.  

My husband ordered the 3-course lunch menu ($22).  One dish out of two can be selected for each course.  The first course he chose was the insalata mista.  Nothing special.

The second course was the bruschetta all’Italiana (grilled bread, tomatoes, basil, garlic & extra virgin olive oil).  The tomatoes were juicy and sweet.

And the third course was the pappardelle alla Bolognese (pasta is handmade at this restaurant).  The pasta was nicely al dente and the sauce was cheesy - very good.
私は今日のスペシャルの一つ (スペシャルが 10 ぐらいあって、ウェイトレスさんが一つ一つ説明してくれるのですが説明し終わるのに 5 分くらいかかってました!)、ムール貝、イタリアンソーセージとパプリカ入りのブカティーニにしました。ソーセージがちょっとスパイシー。量は私達にはちょうど良いくらいでしたが、普通のアメリカ人には物足りないかも。

I opted for one of today's specials (10 or so specials were available and our waitress described them one by one - it took nearly 5 min for her to explain all of them...) - the bucatini with mussels, Italian sausages and red paprika.  The sausages were a bit spicy and gave a nice kick. 

At the end, we shared the tiramisu, which was served in a glass.  I found many dishes I wanted to try - we'll come back for dinner sometime soon!
お店を出た後、すぐ向かいにある Bova's Bakery にふらっと立ち寄ったらおいしそうなアランチーニが目に飛び込んできました。誘惑に勝てず、プロシュート入りのを2つ買ってしまいました。今日の晩御飯です。

After the lunch, we stopped at Bova's Bakery just across from the restaurant.  Then I found these big arancine!  I couldn't resist and bought two of them with  prosciutto for dinner.
さらにその横にはサンドイッチがずら~っと! アスパラガス、モッツアレラとプロシュート入りのも購入。でもかなり脂っこかったです。

And next to arancine were these big subs!  They looked very yummy, so I got the one with asparagus, mozzarella and prosciutto which I ate for lunch next day.  But this was very oily....
食事&お買い物の後は腹ごなしにウォータフロントまで Poirot と一緒にお散歩。

Then we walked to the water front with Poirot to consume some calories we took.

今日のボストンは昨日よりもさらに暑くて早くもばて気味の Poirot。とっても辛そうな顔です。でも辛そうなふりをするのがうまいので本当にしんどいのかどうかはわかりません。

It was even hotter today than yesterday in Boston, and Poirot seemed to get tired after a just short walk.  He looked so tired...  But he is very good at pretending he is tired, so I am not sure he was really tired or not....

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