Saturday, November 22, 2008

Trip to Spain Day 3 (1) (Madrid - Sevilla)

今日は、スペインが誇る高速列車、AVE に乗ってマドリードからセビーリャへ移動します。

Today we moved from Madrid to Sevilla by the AVE, the bullet train.

切符は指定前売りを買っていたのですが、なんと朝目覚まし時計が鳴らず、起きたのが列車出発30分前!私は時間に几帳面で、普段時間に余裕を持って準備するので大焦り。でもこんなこともあろうかと (あるとは思ってませんでしたが) 駅のすぐそばのホテルに宿泊していたので、駅までダッシュしてぎりぎりセーフ。
We purchased the tickets in advance (reserved seats), but somehow my alarm clock did not work and we woke up only 30 min before the departure!!  But luckily our hotel was just next to the station, so we ran as fast as possible and could catch our train!

This is not the train we took, but the one in the next line.  Since we did not have enough time, we jumped onto our train and just before the departure, I took this photo.

Many olive and almond trees on the way.

You can tell we are heading south by these buildings.

After ~3 hours we arrived at the Sevilla Station.

This time, we were able to take a picture of our train!
ここが今回滞在したホテル、Hotel Alminar

This is the hotel we stayed, Hotel Alminar.

After checking in, we went sightseeing!  You can find decorations with ceramic tiles everywhere.  To be continued...

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