Sunday, November 23, 2008

Trip to Spain Day 4 (2)(Sevilla)

スペイン広場からホテルに戻ってきて少し休憩した後、セビーリャ大聖堂へ。ここは大きさが世界第3位 (1位はローマのサンピエトロ大聖堂、2位はロンドンのセントポール寺院)。ついに世界三大大聖堂を制覇!

We took a short break after returning from the Plaza de España to our hotel, then went to the Seville Cathedral (Catedral de Santa María de la Sede de Sevilla).  This cathedral is known as the third largest church in the world (following St. Peter's Basilica and St Paul's Cathedral).  Now I concured all three largest churches in the world!!
美しいファサード (Portada del Príncipe)。

The beautiful façade (Portada del Príncipe).

Getting closer, you would notice how detail the decorations are.

Inside the cathedral. The stuff on the left side of the picture is the big pipe organ.

This is the front view of the organ.

The beautifully decorated ceiling.
これはこの大聖堂の見所のひとつ、Retablo Mayor。木彫りの上に金メッキがしてある祭壇画の一種で、Pierre Dancart という職人さんが一人で作り上げたものだそうです。

Retablo Mayor, the altarpiece designed and created by the Flemish craftsman Pierre Dancart.

This is the largest and richest altarpiece in the world and one of the finest examples of Gothic woodcarving (and gilding).  No way to express its beauty by my camera.  It was so golden and I don't know how to describe it with words...  You just have to go there and see it.
コロンブスのお墓 (Tumba de Cristóbal Colón)。

The tomb of Christopher Columbus (Tumba de Cristóbal Colón).  The sarcophagus of Columbus is carried by four large statues, representing the kingdoms of Aragón, Castille, León and Navarra.

And everywhere else is lavishly decorated as well.

Of course there are many stained glasses, too.

Another stained glass.

The sarcophagus of (probably) the distinguished bishop.
Juan de Arfe y Villafañe という職人の作品。

A work by Juan de Arfe y Villafañe, a Spanish engraver, goldsmith, artist, anatomist and author.

There are so many other stuff, but they were just to many to remember.

Many paintings as well.

From here, we walked to the entrance to the Giralda Tower, going through many small rooms.

The ceiling of each room is decorated differently.
銀 (めっき?) の置物。

A silver workpiece.

I am not familiar with Christian relics, but what is the meaning of this?  Why is a girl standing on other girls' heads?

This was kind of scary...  Why the head???
もちろん、とても美しいものもあります。黄金の王冠。エメラルド (?) などの宝石も埋め込まれています。

Of course there are many beautiful relics as well.  This is the golden crown decorated with gemstones (emerald?).

These are also gold.

And this one, too.

I believe gold and silver were brought back to Spain from the "New World" during it's golden age.

This is the entrance to Giralda Tower.

Many steps to the top of the tower...  I don't usually do a lot of exercises, so it was very tough for me... 

There are many windows on the way.  I stopped at the windows several times to take a rest, pretending I was just enjoying the view.

The roof of the cathedral.

Finally we climbed up to the top.  We saw many bells hanging.  I am not sure if they are still in use now.

The top of the tower is actually quite high and there is nothing to block the view from the tower.  We enjoyed the beautiful view of the city of Sevilla.

The Quinto Centenario Bridge over the Guadalquivir.

We could see the bullring that we visited yesterday as well.

This is the Giralda Twoer we just came down from.  This is a former minaret that was converted to a bell tower for the cathedral.  This looks very similar to the minaret that I visited in Marrakesh, Morocco.  I wonder if that one was the model for this minaret.

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