Saturday, November 22, 2008

Trip to Spain Day 3 (4)(Sevilla)

夜はホテルの人に教えてもらったフラメンコショーの見られるレストランにやって来ました。でも開演が9時だったので夕食は他の所で食べ終え(食べたものの写真をあまりとっていなかったので何を食べたか覚えていません)、シェリー酒 (アンダルシア地方の特産) とビールだけを注文。

At night, we came to a restaurant that had Flamenco shows (recommended by our hotel).  Although they served food, we only ordered a glass of Sherry and beer as the show started at 9 om and we had our dinner somewhere else.


When we arrived, there were not many people but by the time the show started, almost all the tables were occupied.  I thought thin kind of place was only for tourists, but saw several groups of (appeared to be) local people.

Many paintings of Flamenco dancers and bull fighters were hanging on teh walls.

I couldn't take good pictures, but the show was very powerful.  They danced so passionately...  The voices of singers were also wonderful.

At the beginning, younger dancers performed, but as the show went on, more experienced dancers showed up and danced.  Although their movements were not as active as the younger ones, I somehow preferred the older dancers (I felt sorrows from them).  I was very moved by the show.

The Seville Cathedral was beautifully illuminated.  We'll visit there tomorrow.

We walked the narrow street from the cathedral to our hotel.
無事ホテルに帰り着きました。この辺りは夜遅く歩いていても、すごく危険ということはない様です (もちろん注意は必要ですが)。

We safely walked back to our hotel.  The area we stayed sis not seem too dangerous even late at night (of course you have to be careful, though).

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