During the day time, it was too hot to go out, so we stayed home most of the time and went out to North End at around 7:30 pm. North End is an Italian town in Boston and there are many Italian restaurants and cafes, and is always crowded with tourists. I was worried abort a parking space as it was Saturday, but luckily we could find a spot on the street. We didn't have to pay for the parking!
Poirot と一緒なので、入れるレストランはパティオのあるお店に限られてしまいます。今回はあまりおなかもすいていなかったので(イタリア人街なのに)アイリッシュパブ、Goody Glover's で軽く夕食。このビールは Stone Cat Ale Hefeweizen と言う名前で、マサチューセッツのイプスウィッチ(Ipswich)のドラフトビールです。 Since Poirot was with us, we had limited options for restaurants that we could go (only ones with patios). Since we were not too hungry, we decided to take a light meal at Goody Glover's, an Irish pub (in the Italian town!). |
だんだんと日も暮れてきました。 It's getting dark. |
Poirot はちょっとお疲れの様子。 Poirot looked a little bit tired. |
ムール貝。白ワインとにんにくのソースです。貝があまり新鮮ではないような...。開いてない貝が結構ありました。 Mussels in white wine and garlic sauce. Mussels did not seem very fresh... There were a quite few shells that were not open. |
ムール貝と一緒に出てきたパン。バゲットをプレスしてぺちゃんこにしたもので、ムール貝のソースをつけて食べるとおいしかったです。 Bread came with mussels. It was tasty with the sauce from mussels. |
ソーセージ三種とたまねぎ、赤ピーマンなどのソテー。二種類のマスタードとピタブレッドもついてきます。 Three kinds of sausages and vegetables. Came with two different mustard and pita bread. |
その後、てくてくと歩いて Long Wharf まで。港にはたくさんのクルーズ船が停泊していました。これは港のほうから見た Custom House Tower。 We then walked to Long Wharf. We saw lots of cruise ships docked in the wharf. |
その後、クインシーマーケット(Quincy Market)へ。10時を回ってもまだたくさんの観光客が歩いていました。 We further walked to Quincy Market. It was already after 10 pm, but still many people were walikng around. |
クインシーマーケット内のほとんどのお店はもう閉まっていたのですが、このアイスクリーム屋さんは開いていたのでソフトクリームを購入。 Most of the shops in Quincy Market were already closed, but this ice cream shop was open, so we got a soft serve. |
濃厚でおいしかったのですが、$7近くもしたのでちょっとびっくり。 It had a strong milk flavor and was very good, but very expensive (nearly $7)! |
またてくてくと歩いて North End まで戻ってきました。 Then we finally came back to North End. |
たくさん歩き回って、帰宅したのは12時前でした。Poirot も歩き疲れたみたいです。 We arrived home after midnight. Poirot walked a lot as well, and looked very tired. |