会社のクリスマス休暇 (12月23日~1月2日) を利用して、ワシントンDCへ旅行に行きました。行きは途中ニューヨークでお昼ご飯を食べ、帰りはニュージャージーで友人の家に一泊してきました。車で行ったので、Poirot も一緒です。
To take an advantage of a holiday break between Dec. 23 and Jan. 02 (both my husband's company & mine were closed during this period), we made a short trio to Washington DC. We stopped at NYC on the way to have lunch, and also stayed one night in NJ on the way back. Since we drove our car, Poirot was able to come with us, too!
We had some time to kill until our lunch reservation, and took a walk in Central Park. Many people were enjoying ice skating there. |
今回選んだお店はミシュラン3つ星レストラン、Jean George で。3つ星といってもお昼は手ごろな価格で楽しめます。本当は別の3つ星レストラン、Eleven Madison Park に行きたかったのですが、超人気のようで予約が取れませんでした。
This time, I chose Jean George, a Michelin 3-star restaurant, for lunch. I wanted to tryEleven Madison Park, another Michelin 3-star restaurant, but wan unable to make a reservation - it was already all booked.... |
My husband ordered this red wine. |
We were offered 4 different kinds of bread and tried them all. My favorite was the left one in this picture. |
The amuse bouche consisted of cured salmon, sweet potato soup and a small spring roll with cheese (and some other stuff). I loved the sweet soup. |
My first dish was the Peekytoe crab dumplings with celeriac-meyer lemon tea.
The skin was very soft, and the dumplings contained lots of crab meat. It matched very well with acidity of the soup. |
My husband ordered the sea trout and oyster tartar. The trout tasted very rich and yummy~.
My second course was the sautéed veal scaloppine, flying pig hum, mushrooms and lavender.
いろんな種類の茸がたっぷりとのっています。ラベンダーの葉っぱ (?) も入っていて、食べると口の中にラベンダーのほのかな香りがします。
It came with a variety of mushrooms. It also had the lavender leaf (?), and the aroma of lavender filled my mouth! |
My husband selected the beef tenderloin and crunch comte beignets, pear horseradish puree.
It was cooked perfectly medium-rare. Very tender and juicy. |
デザートに私が選んだのは “Autumn” という名前のもの。スウィートポテトのスフレとクランベリーパフェの組み合わせ。スフレはおいしかったのですがもっと大きかったらよかったのに~。
For the dessert, I chose the one named "Autumn" - cranberry parfait walnut nougatine, soft vanilla meringue and sweet potato souffle, cranberries and medjol dates. I loved the souffle, but just wished it was bigger.... |
夫のデザートは “Harvest” という名前がつけられていました。南瓜のムース、ジンジャーブレッドのスポンジとイチジクのカルパッチョが出てきました。
My husband opted for "Harvest" – pumpkin pie mousse, ginger bread sponge, crispy pumpkin seeds and fig Carpaccio, Piave, Madeira caramel, spiced walnuts, Sorrel.
最後に私は紅茶を、夫はコーヒーを頼んだのですが、紅茶がティーバッグ (それもteavana のもの) のくせに$7と知ってかなりショック。原価は50¢ くらい? デザートが$8というのと比べてもあまりに高いような…。
At the end, I ordered tea, and my husband, coffee. I was shocked the tea was $7 although it was a tea bag (from teavana!). I think it cost only 50¢? Compared to the desserts ($8), it is too overpriced! |
Three kinds of petit fours - macarons, chocolate, and marshmallow.
マシュマロは細長いのを大きなガラスの瓶から取り出して目の前で切ってくれます。私はおなかいっぱいでマシュマロを一切れだけしか食べられませんでしたが、なんか懐かしい味でなかなか良かったです。食事の後はワシントンDC に向けてさらにドライブ!
The marshmallow came in a big glass jar, and was cut into pieces in front of us. I was too full and could eat only marshmallow, but it was not too sweet as commercial ones and good~. After the lunch, we continued to drive down to DC! |
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