Monday, May 28, 2012

Lunch at Neptune Oyster

今日のお昼ご飯はボストンのイタリア人街、North End にある Neptune Oyster で食べるべることにしました。私達は開店前から早めに来て並んでいたのですぐに入れましたが、開店時にはお店の前は相変わらず長蛇の列。

For today's lunch, we came to Neptune Oyster in North End.  We arrived early before the restaurant was open to get a table (and we got a nice table), but by the time it was open, the line was very, very long...

At first, we ordered the steamed Wellfleet littlenecks.

The clams were not too big, but the sauce had lots of wine and garlic and tasted yummy~.  But it had some sands...
これはヨーロピアンシーバスのクルード。メニューにはシーバスではなく "Bronzini" と書いてあって、お店の人に聞くと白身の魚だというので頼んでみたのですが出てきたのはほんのちょびっとだけで $15 もしたのにそれがシーバスだったとはちょっとがっかり。まあ身は引き締まってまずまずの味でしたが。

This is the European seabass crudo.  In the menu it said "Bronzini" crudo and we were told it was the white fish, so we tried it.  But the portion was very small and it was $15 - if I have known it was seabass, I wouldn't have had ordered it...  But the meat was nicely firm and not too bad...

お待ちかね、ロブスターロール! このロブスターロールはほぼすべてのテーブルの人がオーダーしてました (私たちの隣に座った4人組は4人全員これを注文)。

And finally, the lobster roll!  This is one of the most popular dish here.  Almost all of the tables ordered this (all of 4 people sitting next to our table ordered this).

Many big chunks of lobster meat in the buttery roll - soooo good as always.
そしてもう一品、North End 風チョッピーノ。鮭、鰹 (?)、蛤、ムール貝、海老とサフランライスの入ったシチュー。ソースがピリ辛で魚介の出汁がよく出ていてこれまたおいし。2人で全部平らげたらおなかいっぱいになりました。私達の帰る頃にお店に来た人は2時間待ちと言われてました。

And one more dish - North End chippino. It had salmon, skipjack tuna (?), clams, mussels, shrimp and saffron rice.  It was spicy and very good, too.  We were so full after we ate them all...  By the time we left, the waiting time to get a table was 2 hours...
その後は周辺を Poirot と一緒にお散歩。

After the lunch we took a walk around the area with Poirot.
暑い中を結構歩いた後、Long Wharf 前の芝生で休憩。この時点で Poirot の顔はもうへろへろ。

We walked for a long time in the warm weather, and took a break on the grass near Long Wharf.  Poirot already looked sooo exhausted...

And he got sleepy...  He yawned many times...
その後また車を止めてあった North End まで戻って来て、ジェラートを食べました。今回は柑橘系のフレーバー、グレープフルーツとリモンチェッロを選んでみました。どちらもさっぱりとした味でおいし~。Poirot にもほんの少しだけおすそ分けしたら喜んでました~。

Then we went back to North End where we parked our car, and got some gelato.  Today I chose grapefruit and limoncello flavors - both were very light, sour and refreshing.  I gave a little bit of it to Poirot - he loved it, too!!

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