Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 6 (台北 (Taipei) - 京都 (Kyoto))


Before we always took Northwest flights to go back to Japan/Taiwan as it offered the Detroit - Osaka - Taipei route (my home town is Kyoto, and Osaka is the nearest international airport) with free stopover. However after Delta acquired Northwest, this route was canceled (with Delta, from US to Taipei, we have to go through Narita (Tokyo) ).

そこで今回は成田便にして、成田から新幹線で京都まで行くことに。外国人や、海外で永住権を持っている日本人は JR 乗り放題(のぞみ以外)のパスが格安で買えるのでお得です(2週間乗り放題で 45000 円ほど)。

Thus, this time we decided to take the rout through Narita, and go to Kyoto by Shinkansen train (bullet train).  Foreigne citizens/permanent residents can purchase Japan Rail Pass, which allows you take any trains operated by Japan Railways (with some ristrictions) as many times as you want during the period.  It is actually very good price (~$450 for 2 weeks).  So we both bought this pass.

We arrived at the Kyoto Station in the evening.  My parents came to the station to pick us up and then went for dinner at  "Mimiu" in the department store at the station.

Ahhh, it is do good to come back to Japan!

We all enjoyed the good dinner.

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