今日は、夫が眼鏡を新調するというので Cambridge にある彼の会社のすぐ近くの眼鏡屋さんへ行ってきました。そこはかなり高級な眼鏡しか置いてないようで、彼が欲しいと思うような眼鏡はフレームだけでなんと$600!それも見た目針金のような代物。もちろんチタンでできているので軽くて丈夫なのですが。それにレンズ代を入れると合計$1000近くにもなるのでもちろん却下。結局ここでは買わずに頼もう少し庶民的なお店で買ってもらうことにしました。
Today my husband wanted to buy a new pair of glasses, so we went to a shop near where he works in Cambridge. I didn’t know until I got there, but this shop appears to carry only very expensive frames and found out that the frame he wanted was $600! And it just looked like being made out of a paper clip (very thin silver titanium frame)! It would cost almost $1000 with the prescription lenses, so I said “no way”, and convinced him to go to a cheaper shop.
その後とりあえずお昼ごはん。夫が会社のお昼休みに何度か行ったことがあるという、比較的最近できたお店、Thelonious Monkfish へ。店名はアメリカの有名なジャズピアニスト・作曲家のThelonious Monk をもじったものらしいです。でも Monk (修道士) と Monkfish (魚のアンコウ) ではえらい違いのような...。ここはいわゆるアジアンフュージョンのお店でお寿司 (もちろんアメリカ風にアレンジされたもの) などもあります。
Then we went for lunch to the restaurant named “Thelonious Monkfish”. My husband has visited here several times with his colleagues during the lunch time. The restaurant is named after Thelonious Monk, a jazz pianist/composer. I am still not sure if I should feel this is humorous or not... Anyway, the restaurant serves “Asian fusion” and sushi. |
There was a tiny black thing floating in my water glass, so I asked our waiter to give me a clean glass. But he explained me that it was a strawberry seed. As I found out, slices of lemons, strawberries and cucumbers were added into water pitchers. The water actually was very fragrant and refreshing. Loved the idea. |
First we ordered the lobster spring rolls, but it was not available so we settled for the duck spring rolls. It was OK, nothing special. |
I ordered the seafood Tom Yum fried rice. I did not taste Tom Yum very much... |
My husband ordered the crispy chicken Pad Thai. It was too sweet for me. |
After the meal, my husband ordered the oolong tea. This was not as good as the oolong tea we prepare at home using tea leaves we purchased in Taiwan. |
He also ordered the mango sticky rice for dessert. Well, he can eat a lot! |
その後、車の中で待っていた Poirot と一緒に Christina というアイスクリーム屋さんまでお散歩。今日はいいお天気でお散歩日和です。
After the lunch, we took a walk with Poirot (he was waiting in my car) to Christina's to get some ice cream. |
I guess he was holding it for a long time - right after he came out of the car, he peed. Sorry, Poirot. |
結構歩いて、やっと到着。今日はラムレーズンと小豆アイスにしてみました。Poirot がいるので店内では食べられません。
We actually had to walk a quite bit to get there. Today my husband selected rum raisin and red bean flavors. With Poirot, we had to eat outside.. |
夫がアイスクリームを持ってお店から出て来ると、すかさず Poirot が察して欲しそうな顔で夫を見つめます。
My husband came out of the shop with his ice cream, and Poirot immediately looked at him so intensely! Poirot, we know you want some, but you can't eat it! |
As soon as my husband sat down, Poirot stood up on his knee, and begged for the ice cream. |
But he didn’t get any, so he stretched his neck as much as he could in order to get closer to the ice cream as possible. |
But he still couldn’t get it so he changed his strategy - sat quietly and played cute. |
Although he tried very hard, he still couldn’t get what he wanted, so he almost cried... Poor Poirot. At the end, my husband gave him a little bit of cone and red bean ice cream and Poirot was so happy. |
This shop has bread, olive oil, salumi, etc, as well. I just came in to get a baguette, then found out that they had a wine/beer/cheese tasting. |
My husband tested several different kinds of beer, but he didn't like any of them too much. By the way, he seems a regular customer at this shop and the lady at the shop remembers him. |
私が Hunter と言うチーズを試していたら、このイタリア産のスパークリングワインを勧めてくれました。飲んでみると、アルコール度数が低め (11%) で私にも飲みやすくチーズともよく合います。気に入ったので、このワインを買ってみる事にしました。
When I tried a piece of cheese named "Hunter", the lady at the shop recommended me this Italian sparkling wine. It had more complex and rich flavor than other sparkling wines that I tried before, and matched very well with Hunter. I liked it a lot (although I can drink only a little bit). So we decided to get one bottle. |
写真左の黒いパッケージのものが Hunter。このチーズは私の好みぴったりの味。これも一つ買ってみました。18ヶ月熟成されたもので Vermont 州にある Plymouth Artisan Cheese というところのチーズです。
The black ones on the left side are Hunter (cow milk). This is from Plymouth Artisan Cheese in Vermont and aged for 18 months. It tastes very sharp and has intense flavors, which I really like. |
This shop has many other interesting foods/drinks that all look delicious and I tend to buy too many things, but this time I controlled myself and just got the wine, cheese and baguette. |
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