Monday, May 30, 2011

Day Trip to Ogunquit, Maine (1)

今日は来福君と Poirot を連れてメイン州の Ogunquit という小さな町にロブスターを食べに行きました。朝早く起こされたからか、行きの車中では二匹ともかなりテンション低め。

Today we (with Poirot & Laifu) went to Ogunquit, a tiny town in Maine to ear some lobsters.  They were very inactive and looked sleepy on the way maybe because we woke them up early in the morning...

After ~1 hour driving, we were getting close to our destination.
ここがそのレストラン、Barnacle Billy's です。ここは私達のお気に入りのレストランで年に何回かは必ず訪れます。

We arrived at the town,parked our car and immediately headed to the restaurant, Barnacle Billy's.  We like this restaurant and come here several times every year. 
レストランには素敵なテラス席もあって、Poirot だけの時はテラス席 (お店の人が注文を取りに来てくれる) に座るのですが、今回は二匹なので、レストランの横に併設されているセルフサービスの席に座りました。窓口に注文しに行って、出来上がったら番号を呼ばれるのでとりに行くというものです。

The restaurant has nice patio seats (served by wait stuff) where we usually sit with Poirot.  But since we had two dogs today, we sat at the outside table next to the restaurant (self-served).

A view from our table.  The boats on the water are for lobster fishing.
お店に着いてもまだ眠そうな Poirot。こんなことは珍しいです。

Even after sitting at the table, Poirot looked very sleepy, which was unusual.

Laifu had lots of big yawning, too.  I wonder they couldn't sleep well last night as they were too excited ...

My husband ordered a glass of beer, but I just had some water.

Although they both looked so sleepy, they suddenly woke up with their eyes shining and licked their chops as soon as my husband came back with our food plates in his hands.  Unbelievable!

I ordered the lobster roll.  This summer I already had 4 or 5 lobster rolls!

It's very simply - just lobster meat and mayo.  The lobster meat was very succulent. 

My husband ordered the steamed lobster (1.5 lbs).  He is very good at taking lobster (and crab) meat out of its shell.  Every time we order lobsters or crabs, he cracks the shell, take out the meat and give it to me.  So I can enjoy it without messing up my hands.  I am spoiled!
やっぱりここのロブスターは新鮮でおいしい! わざわざ来る甲斐があります。

Lobsters here are very fresh and tasty.  It's worth driving here!

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