Sunday, June 27, 2010

York, Maine

今日はいいお天気なのでメイン州の York まで出かけます。ボストンからは車で1時間ちょとで行けます。何はともあれまずはお昼ご飯。Fox's Lobster House で食べることにしました。

Since we had nice weather, we decided to visit York, Maine.  It takes only ~1 hour from Boston.  First of all, we had to eat lunch!!  We chose Fox's Lobster House.

I am hungry, too!!
夫はロブスターロール、私はアサリのフライ(fried clams)にしました。ロブスターロールはおいしかったけど、アサリは身が小さくて、値段のわりに味はいまいち。これなら家の近所の Kelly's の方がおいしいかも。わざわざメイン州まで来なくてもよかったということ??

My husband ordered a lobster roll and I ordered fried clams.  I liked the lobster roll, but the clams were very small and had no little taste.  Compared to this, I think even Kelly's near our home serves better clams.  Then, we didn't have to come to Maine???

But the location is the best!  This is the view from our table.  This part appears to be owned by someone (private area).

The other side is the public area.

Poirot was very excited walking on rocks, but couldn't go further as he was scared of water!

I am bored.  Can we go to the other side??
レストランからは Nubble Lighthouse もよく見えます。

You can also see Nubble Lighthouse from the restaurant.
食後は Brown's Old Fashioned Ice Cream へアイスクリームを食べに行きます。マンゴーとパイナップルの2種類のフレーバーを注文したら、なんとこんな巨大なものが出てきました。こんなの2人でも 食べきれません...。Poirot にも助けてもらいましたが、半分くらい残してしまいました。

After the lunch, we went to Brown's Old Fashioned Ice Cream to have some ice cream.  We ordered two flavors (mango and pineapple), then got this huge one.  There is no way to finish this much of ice cream even by two of us.  We gave a little bit of it to Poirot as well, but we could finish only half of it.

Brown's Old Fashioned Ice Cream
232 Nubble Road
York, ME 03909
(207) 363-1277

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