Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Shower

今日は友人の Baby Shower のため Salisbury Beach というところまでやって来ました。Baby Shower というのはアメリカの風習で、出産を間近に控えたお母さんを囲んでお祝いするパーティー。参加する人はお祝いの品を持参するのですが、これは祝ってもらうカップルが事前に赤ちゃん用品店などで事前に登録してあるものから予算などに合わせて購入します。私は他の友人2人と一緒にチャイルドシートをゲット。

Today I was invited to my friend's baby shower in Salisbury Beach.  

The place that the baby shower was held was just by the beach and the room was also decorated with beach themed.

At each seat were a cookie and a small treat.
これは生まれてくる赤ちゃんの名前 (Trevor James) の入った M&M のチョコレート。カスタムメイドの M&M があるなんて知りませんでした。

These are the M&M's with the baby's name (Trevor James).  I didn't know you can make your own M&M's!

By the window was a decoration made of diapers! Even diapers can be a nice art piece.

Three different cakes were offered.
Trevor 君のマスコットは白熊のようで、あちこちに白熊のモチーフがあったのですが、このケーキも白熊の親子の絵が描かれていました。とても手が込んでます。

Little Trevor's mascot is a white bear, and the white bear motif was everywhere.  This cake was also decorated with the paint of a white bear family.  My friend and her family must have spent a lot of time and efforts to organize this party.

This one was the simpler and elegant-looking cake.
50人くらい参加者がいたのでお祝いの品数もすごく多い! Trevor 君のお母さんは一つ一つみんなの前で贈り物を開封して見せていました。何しろ数が多いのでかなり時間がかかりました!

I believe ~50 attendees were there, so she got so many gifts.  She opened them one by one, which took a quite long time!

This was my favorite gift - the sailor's uniform.  It was sooo adorable.

After the party, we took a walk at the beach right next to the party room.
Poirot 君は大喜びでビーチを疾走。

Poirot was very excited to run freely.

What a face!
こんなにアクティブな Poirot 君を見るのは久しぶり。9月になると犬もビーチに入れるので (夏の間は人が多いため、ほとんどのビーチでは犬が来ることは禁じられています) これからはちょくちょくビーチに来ようかな。

I haven't seen him being so active for a while.  From September dogs can get into most beaches, so I should bring him to a beach more often.

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