Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dinner at Five Guys

今夜は近所の FedEx のオフィスに手荷物を取りに来たついでにそのすぐ隣にあるハンバーガーチェーン、Five Guys で夕食を食べることにしました。このハンバーガー屋さんは元はワシントン DC の近く (バージニア州 Arlington) が発祥の地で、最近は全国あちこちにお店を展開しています。

Tonight we had to come to nearby FedEx office to pick up my parcel, and decided to have a quick dinner at Five Guys next door.  It's a burger chain originally from Arlington, VA, but recently opened at many places across the US.

Their menu is very simple - burgers, hot dogs and fries.  But they claim that only fresh meat is used (never frozen).  By the way, they have all-you-can-eat peanuts.
トッピングはかなりたくさんの種類があって、いくつ乗せても値段は同じ。夫はベーシックなハンバーガー (ダブルバーガーが基本) にトマト、たまねぎとマッシュルームのソテーとピクルスをトッピング。夫は夏の間2ヶ月サンディエゴに滞在していた間ここのハンバーガーをよく食べたらしいです。

Many toppings are offered and you can put as many toppings as you'd like at no extra cost.  My husband ordered the basic burger and added tomato, sauteed onions, sauteed mushrooms and pickles.  He ate at Five Guys quite often when he was in San Diego for two months in the past summer.
私はリトルチーズバーガー (お肉は1枚だけ) にトマト、ピクルス、ハラペーニョ、レリッシュを乗せてもらいました。手作りっぽい味で、確かに人気があるのも分かります。

I ordered a "little cheeseburger" (although it was not "little") and added tomato, pickles, relish and jalapeno peppers.  It tasted like a home-made burger and I understand why it's getting so popular.

We also ordered large fries (Cajun style) - the portion was really big.  We couldn't finish even half of it, so took the rest home and ate it next day.  It is not too bad to eat here once in a while...

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