Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lunch at Sportello

ボストンでは今日からレストランウィークが始まりました。前菜、メインディッシュ、デザートのコースがランチなら $20、ディナーなら $33 で食べられます。今回も期間中いくつか予約を入れています。

In Boston, the restaurant week started from today!  In many of the good restaurants 3-course meals are served for $20 for lunch and $33 for dinner.  I made several reservations during the restaurant week period!

今日ランチを食べに来たのは Sportello というカジュアルなイタリアンレストラン。ボストンの有名シェフ、Barbara Lynch がオーナー (Menton, No. 9 Park 等のオーナーでもあります)。

For the lunch, we came to Sportello, a casual Italian restaurant owned by Barbara Lynch (a famous Boston chef who also owns several other restaurants including Menton, No. 9 Park, etc).

Bread, whipped ricotta cheese, preserved grapes and olive oil.

I like the taste of this coffee (bitter rather than sour).

Both my husband and I ordered from the restaurant week menu.  I chose the white bean soup for the first course.  Creamy and tasty.
トマトと蟹入りのパスタ。トマト (多分) を練りこんだニョッキのようなパスタですが、名前を忘れてしまいました。確か tomato raffetta とメニューにあったと思うのですが...。ドライトマトが甘くておいしい!

My second course was the gnocchi like pasta with Jonah crab, sun dried tomatoes and some kind of green.  I forgot the name of the pasta, but believe it was tomato raffetta...  The pasta was soft and the tomatoes were sweet - I liked the dish.

And for the dessert, I chose the flour-less chocolate ganache.  This was very dense and rich, but not too sweet.  I am not a big fan of chocolate, but this was OK.

My husband's first course was the arugula salad with shrimp.

The grilled sea bass was his second dish.

Inside the paper, the sea bass and some vegetables were nicely grilled.  The fish was moist and lightly flavored.
そしてデザートにカップケーキ。私はカップケーキはあまり好きではないのですが、これはそんなに悪くないかも。一人 $20 でこれなら満足です。

And for the dessert, the cupcake of the day.  Neither of us like cupcakes very much (there were only two choices for the dessert), but this was better than I expected - the cake was light and the frosting was not too sweet.  For $20, our meals were not too bad.

At the corner of the restaurant is the bakery for takeout.
ピスタチオのメレンゲ (真ん中のガラスケースに入っているもの) がおいしそうだったので一つ買ってみました (後で食べてみると中がもちっとしていておいしかったです)。

Pistachio meringues (the middle glass case) looked great, so we got one (we tasted it later, and it was very good).

And we also got one orange tart.
食後は Poirot 君と一緒に付近をお散歩。今日は曇り空で風も強かったのですが、気温は昨日よりも暖かく格好のお散歩日和。

After the lunch, we walked around the area with Poirot.  It was cloudy and windy, but warm today - a good day for walking.

This is the Children's Museum.  Many parents and kids were visiting here today.
Poirot は橋の柵から首を出して水面を見つめていました。

Poirot was curiously sticking his head out of the fence of the bridge...

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