Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dinner at Absolutely Fabulous

今日は近所にある、Absolutely Fabulous というイタリアンのお店に行ってみました。いつもお店の前を通るたび、結構たくさんのお客さんで賑わっているのに気づいていたのですが、来店するのはきょうが初めて。

Today we came to an Italian restaurant, Absolutely Fabulous, near our home.  Every time we passed by, we noticed that the restaurant was crowded.  So we were interested in this place for a while and finally decided to try.


Since it was a bit chilly tonight, we both ordered the soup - mine was called "Italian Wedding", which had vegetables, small meatballs, chicken, and pasta.  It tasted similar to the soup I cook at home...

My husband ordered the fish soup - it was spicy and had a lot of fish meat.  I preferred this one to mine.
夫はシーフードのパスタ。パスタはいくつかの種類から選べるのですが、お店の人のお勧めに従って自家製のカヴァテッリ (cavatelli) にしました。洗面器くらいの大きさの巨大なお皿に入って出てきました。パスタはもちっとしていておいしい!えび、ホタテ、イカ、アサリ、ムール貝、鱈などがたくさん入っています。全部食べきれるわけもなく、残りはお持ち帰り。

My husband ordered the seafood pasta which was served on a huge plate.  Pasta can be selected from several different kinds, but we followed our waitress's recommendation, cavatelli.  It was a bit chewy like gnocchi (which I loved).  It had a lot of seafood (shrimp, scallops, calamaris, mussels, clams, cod).  It was very good but no way we could finish it all, so we took the leftover home.


I wanted to have seafood, too, but since my husband ordered it, I opted for the grilled portabello  and eggplant served over the polenta.  This was OK.  The wait stuff was very friendly and the magnetosphere was very relaxed.  I think we can use this restaurant in the future.  But I wish they serve less portions...  It was just too big for me (I bet even for American people, it would be too big)...

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