今夜は夫とその同僚たちとの集まりに参加して、East Boston にあるTawakal Halal Cuisine というソマリア料理のレストランへやって来ました。去年の10月ごろにオープンしたそうです。ソマリア料理ってどんなのか見当も付きません。
Tonight, I joined the “dining club” that my husband and his colleagues organize. The restaurant they selected this time was Tawakal Halal Cuisine, a Somali restaurant, in East Boston. I opened around October last year. I had never had Somali food, so I didn’t know what to expect. |
The entrance was so small that we almost missed it. The restaurant is on the 2nd floor of the building. |
Other members of the club were already there and relaxed at the traditional settings (take off shoes and sit on the floor). As soon as we arrived, a cup of sweet Chai was served to each of us. |
The first appetizer we ordered was the fried yucca. The spicy sauce was a good match to the yucca. |
We also ordered the chicken soup. It had many layers of different flavors. |
And the goat soup. I don’t eat goat.... |
This is called sambusa, very similar to Indian samosa. The cuisine of Somalia is influenced by many different countries due to Somalia’s rich tradition of trade. Also at one time in its history, Somalia was the Italian colony and thus the Italian food is very popular as well (several pasta dishes are on the menu). |
This is the chicken sambusa. |
This one is the beef sambusa. |
And the fish sambusa. The fish was coated with bright orange spice. All of them were quite good. The sauce that was accompanied with the sambusa was also home-made. It was the beautiful mixture of different spices (the waiter told us what kind of spices were there, but I forgot) and everyone liked it. |
This one is called the fish soor, which is the traditional East African grits. |
そしてこちらがビリヤーニといういろいろなスパイスで味付けされた炊き込みご飯のようなもの (鶏肉、牛肉、ヤギ肉、魚が選べます)。これもインドの影響を受けたお料理ですね。でもインドのビリヤーニとは使っているスパイスが少し違います。
And this is the fish biryani, seasoned colorful basmati rice. This dish was also the result of the Indian influence, but I believe the spices used in this dish are different from the Indian (original?) version. |
This one is the chicken chapati. Seasoned chicken meat and sautéed vegetables were wrapped with a chapati. In addition to these, we also ordered the goat biryani, fish chapatti, etc. |
どれもおいしくて、味的には満足したのですが、お料理が出てくるまでかな~り長い間待たされました。注文後、まずはじめのユッカのフライが出てくるまで30分位待ち、メインが出てくるのにそこからさらに1時間半以上待ちました。私達6人以外お客さんは誰もいなかったのに!レストランのある近辺は治安が余り良くない雰囲気で (East Boston にはめったに来ないのでよくわかりませんが雰囲気がかなり危険な感じ)、さらにこんなに時間がかかるとは思ってなかったので Poirot を道に止めた車の中でお留守番させていたため、途中から Poirot のことが心配で心配で、最後のお料理が出てくる前に先に帰らせてもらうことにしました。確かにどのお料理もおいしかったのですが、3時間も待つほどではないと思います。時間のある方にだけお勧めします。
Everything was very tasty and service was very friendly, but one complain was that it took soooo long for each dish to be served. After we placed our order, it took 30 min to get our first appetizer (the fried yucca), and we had to wait additional 1.5 h for our first main dish (the fish soor). I would’ve understood the delay if the restaurant was very busy, but there was no other customer besides us (a group of 6 people)! I felt the area to be not very safe (I don’t come to East Boston very often, so I don’t know for sure, but it is not like Back Bay or North End), and Poirot was waiting for us in our car which we parked on the street because I didn’t expect it to be such a long dinner. So I was very, very worried about Poirot and thus we came out of the restaurant before the last few dishes were served. I think their food is very fresh and good, but not good enough for me to spend 3 hours of my time. But if you have a plenty of time, I would recommend this restaurant.
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