Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trip to Japan (3)

今夜は京都駅八条口から西へちょっと行ったところ (新幹線高架下) に新しくできたお店、美山さんへやって来ました。実家から歩いて5分ほどのところにあります。2~3ヶ月前にオープン (以前はお寿司屋さん、その前は居酒屋さんでした) してから両親が何度か来て、気に入ったそうで (一品の量が少ないのがいいらしいです) 私も試してみることに。

Tonight my parents and I came to a small restaurant, Miyama, located near Kyoto Station (very close to my parents’ home, ~5 min walk).  It opened 2~3 months ago and since then my parents visited here several times and like it, so I wanted to try.

Three kinds of amuse bouche – salmon sushi, chawan mushi (savory egg custard dish) and fried fish dipped in sweet & sour sauce.

Skipjack tuna tataki (seared very briefly over a hot flame).

Blood cockle sashimi.

Kushikatsu (Japanese-style of deep-fried kebabs) plate.

Grilled beef tongue.  The meat was a bit tough.

Simmered octopus.  The octopus was very tender.

Beef tendon stew.  The tendon was very tender and melted in my mouth.  Very good.

Dobin mushi (traditional Japanese seafood broth, steamed and served in a dobin tea pot with matsutake mushroom and daggertooth pike conger).

This dish was not expensive but had a lot of matsutake mushrooms (which are very expensive).

Octopus tempura. I love octopus, so I have to order it every time I see it on menu.

Grilled free range chicken.  It was very tender and flavorful – one of my favorites today.

Thinly sliced beef cooked with eggs and broth.

The salad had roast beef, smoked salmon, bacon, etc.
最後に鯛茶漬け。もうおなかいっぱいです。確かに一品の量は少なめ (でもお料理によっては結構ボリュームのあるものもあります) ですが、その分色々なお料理が楽しめます。値段もかなり安く、お店は繁盛しているようでした。こんなお店が家の近所にもあればいいのですが、ボストンではまあ無理でしょうね。 

And finally, tai (red snapper) chazuke (Japanese dish made by pouring green tea or dashi broth over cooked rice.  The red snapper was overcooked for my taste, but the broth was very good.  At the end, we all were very stuffed.  Portions are small (but some are in good amounts), so you can enjoy many different dishes.  I wish I had such a restaurant near our home in Boston…

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