Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pre-Halloween in Salem


In October, people start preparing for Halloween.  Especially in Salem (famous for Witch Trials of 1692), Halloween is the most important event!  Usually we visit Salem at night on or a few days before Halloween, but this year we came here during day time.

There are still a several weeks until Halloween, so we did not see too many people, but the entire town was already in the Halloween mode.

A witch was walking on the street…
かわいらしいトロリーが置いてあったので Poirot を乗せてみたのですが、大あくびで退屈そう。

We found a cute little trolley and put Poirot on it, but he was not ery excited and just gave us a big yawn…

Then next, we put him on this slippery monument – he now became a bit scared and sit quietly (I guess he froze and couldn’t move).

We saw only a few performers.  Usually we see many more on Halloween.

Four monsters!

A witch (?) family with scary-faced babies… I think they were advertizing a haunted house tour or something.

Salem Witch Museum.
私ははいったことはないのですが、結構たくさんの人が訪れてました。中に入ってみたかったのですが Poirot 君がいるので断念。

I’ve never been inside, but I always see many people getting it. I wanted to try it as well, but because of Poirot being with us, we had to give up..
Poirot 君も魔女になってみました。全然迫力ないね~。 

Poirot became a witch, too. But not scary at all…

The decorations are mostly unchanged every year.  We saw this witch statue last year as well.
夜には閉まってしまうのですが、昼の間はお墓にも入れます。結構有名な人たちもここで眠っているようですが、私が知っているほど有名ではないようです。 After dark, it gets closed, but during the day time it is allowed to enter the cemetery. There seem several famous people sleeping here, but I didn’t recognize any of their names.

And as usual, we ordered an apple cinnamon bun with ice cream.

A warm cinnamon bun with lots of apples matched perfectly with cold ice cream.
Poirot 君はというと、目を細めておねだり。ほんと、食い意地が張ってます。ほんの少~しおすそ分けすると大喜びで食べてました。

Poirot, as expected, begged our dessert. He never misses a chance to get (any kind of) food. I gave him a little bit and he was so happy to taste it.

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