Monday, January 31, 2011

Dinner at Wang's

あさって、2月2日は旧正月の大晦日。私は特に何も感じませんが、台湾人の夫にとっては重要な祝日の1つです。今回は残念ながら台湾には帰れませんが (と言うか以前一度この時期に台湾を訪れたとき町中すごい人混みだったのでそれ以来この時期の里帰りは避けています)、レストランに行ってお祝いをしようと思っていました。でも天気予報によると明日とあさっては大雪。多分出かけるのは困難だろうと言うことで急遽予定を変更して、お正月用の餃子を買いに (中国や台湾ではお正月に餃子を食べる) Somerville にある Wang's Fast Food へ行ってきました。ついでに夕食もここで済ませます。

The day after tomorrow, Feb. 2, is the Chinese New Year's Eve.  I (Japanese) don't really celebrate the Chinese New Year (Japanese used to celebrate it a long time ago), but it is one f the important holidays for my Taiwanese husband.  We were supposed to celebrate it at a restaurant tomorrow, but according to the weather forecast we'll having 2 snow storms starting tomorrow (until Thursday morning!) and we were afraid we wouldn't be able to go out.  So we decided to go to Wang's Fast Food in Somerville to buy some dumplings (Chinese/Taiwanese people eat dumplings in the New Year) instead of going out on the eve.  We also had our dinner tonight there.


The pork and pickle soup noodles. I think we got more meat than usual..

The scallion pancake.

I don't know what kind of fish, but my husband ordered this fried fish.  But it was kind of smelly and I didn't like it.

And of course dumplings.  Again we ordered the shrimp delight with pork dumplings.  We also bought frozen dumplings (50 pieces x 2 bags) to enjoy them at home.
夕食の後、夫が何か甘いものが食べたいと言い張るので帰り道の途中にある Cold Stone Creamery でアイスクリームを買いました。夫はミディアムサイズを頼んだらしいのですが、こんなに巨大なものが出てきました。でもおいしかったです。

After the dinner my husband insisted to eat something sweet, so on the way home we went to Cold Stone Creamery to get some ice cream.  He ordered the medium size, then got this huge one.  But it was very good!

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