Thursday, November 24, 2011

Trip to London, UK - Day 2 (2)

大満足の昼食のあとは Oxford Circus にやって来ました。ここから Piccadilly Circus 間で歩きながらお土産などを買う予定。この素敵な建物は Liberty という高級百貨店。チラッと覗いたのですが同じブランド品でもアメリカよりかなり値段が高く、速攻で出てきました。

After the satisfying lunch, we came to Oxford Circus and walked toward Piccadilly Circus, hoping to do some shopping (for souvenirs).  This is the famous department store, Liberty.  We went inside, but everything was very expensive (same things are much cheaper in the US), so of course we didn't buy anything here.

Streets were already decorated for Christmas.  When it gets dark, it must be so beautiful with lots of lights.
Whittard でお土産用のお茶を購入。セールをしていたので結構たくさん買ってしまいました。

I got several cans of tea at Whittard.  Many things were on sale, so I bought more than I planned.
それ以外は特に何も買わずに Piccadilly Circus に到着。観光客なのか地元の人か分かりませんが、人で溢れかえってたのでとりあえず写真だけ撮ってその場を離れました。

Then we reached Piccadilly Circus.  I am not sure if they were tourists or locals, but there were so many people and I didn't feel comfortable.  So we just took a few pictures and then moved on.

Then we came to Fortnum & Mason.  It was very crowded here as well, but I needed to do some shopping and got in.  They sold wide variety of things - not only tea, but coffee, sweets, jam,etc, etc.  It was very overwhelming, but at least I could get what I wanted!

We went back to our hotel to drop off our shopping bags, and got out again for dinner.  The restaurant we booked tonight is located a bit out side from the central area, and we have to took the underground and overground.  But we would travel anywhere for good food!
駅から5分ほど歩いたところに目的のレストラン、Bull and Last というパブに到着!

After ~5 min walk from the overground station, finally we arrived at the pub, Bull and Last.

Bull's heads on the wall gives great impact!  At the bar, many men were drinking beer, wine, or whatever.  It is same in any countries!!

We prefer to sit down at the table and relax!

My husband doesn't like dark (Ale, etc) beer very much, so he ordered some kind of lager beer (I don't remember the name).  I ordered the soft drink called Victorian Lemonade.
まずはスコッチエッグ。ゆで卵を牛ひき肉 (豚も入ってたかも) で包み、衣を付けてけて揚げてあります。シンプルですが、お肉自体の味がとてもおいしくてちょっと感動してしまいました。今度自分でも作ってみようと思います。

The first dish we ordered was the Scotch egg.  It was simple yet the meat was very flavorful and we both loved it very much.  I'll cook it at home!

English beetroot salad with beetroot fritters, pickled beets, cow’s curd & walnuts.

The beetroot fritters were hiding under the greens.  This salad was excellent - beetroots in three different ways!

Slow cooked ox cheek, snail & parsley risotto.  The meat was so tender that it melted in my mouth....
これはフィッシュボード。グラブラックス (塩、砂糖、ディルなどに漬けた鮭の薄切り)、スモークした鯖のパテ、鱈のコロッケ、小さいイカ、小さな器に入った小海老とスパイス入りのバターなどが木のお盆に載って出てきました。

Fish board (gravalax, smoked mackerel pate, haddock croquette, chipirones, potted shrimp, fennel & soda bread.

This is the chipirones (small squids).  Everything was very delicious with the exception of soda bread (just not may taste).  I wished baguette would have been served instead.  Well, I don't think British pubs serve baguette, though.

Venison, salsify, braised shoulder, pistachio & blackberries.  I didn't know venison is a kind of deer (I thought it was a kind of bull), and found it out after we finished eating it.  It tasted like "wild" beef and actually I loved it very much.  If I have known it was deer meat, I wouldn't have ordered it and missed the wonderful flavor of this dish.  Glad I didn't know it!
今日はお昼からおいしいものを食べすぎで超満腹。残念ながらデザートはパスしてしまいました。その後、キングス・クロス駅 (ちょうど私達の乗換駅だった) にハリー・ポッターに出てくるホグワーツ特急が発着する秘密の9¾番線があるとガイドブックにあったので行ってみることに。ちょうど駅が改装中で全体の様子は見えなかったのですが、とりあえず9¾番線のサインだけは写真を撮ることができました。今日もすごく歩いて疲れたけど充実した1日でした~。

Since we had two great meals (lunch & dinner) today, we were too full to have a dessert and skipped it (I regret it now, though).  On the way back, we visited Kings Cross station (we had to change the tube lines here) which is featured in the Harry Potter books as the starting point of the Hogwarts Express.  The station has the secret platform 9¾!!  Unfortunately the station was under renovation and we couldn't see the entire thing, but at least we could take a picture of platform 9¾ sign!  We walked a lot again today and were exhausted, but had a wonderful day!

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