Friday, November 25, 2011

Trip to London, UK - Day 3 (1)


This morning we came to visit the Tower of London.  It was not open to public when I visited London nearly 20 years ago and I remember I took pictures of the buildings from outside.

From the entrance of the tower, you can see London City Hall.  It's a very unique design.
30分おきにヨーマン・ウォーダー (ロンドン塔の衛兵) による無料のガイドツアーがあります。無料なので私達ももちろん参加します。

A Yeoman Warder guided tour is offered every 30 min (for free).  Since it’s free, of course we joined the tour.

He is the Yeoman Warder who guided out tour.  He made us laugh a lot with jokes, but also told us lots of history and interesting stories.  It was a very good experience.

I happened to look up when our guide was talking, then found a guy aiming at someone with a bow and arrow!!

There are many towers most of which are open for public.  Inside the towers are various exhibits.  We spent quite a lot of time looking at each interesting piece.

This armor is one of the exhibits, a gift from Tokugawa Hidetada, Shougun of Japan, to King James.
この建物の中には豪華な宝石で飾られた王冠や指輪、剣、その他の装飾品が展示されています (写真撮影不可)。世界最大のダイヤモンド "偉大なアフリカの星" があるのもここです。本物とは信じられないくらい巨大です。

In this building, the great working collection of Crown Jewels in the world and priceless symbols of British monarchy are exhibited (pictures not allowed).  The First Star of Africa, the largest cut diamond in the world mounted at the top of the Sovereign's Sceptre is also stored here.  This diamond is too big to believe it is real!!

In front of the building a guard was standing without moving at all...  I think this is one of the toughest jobs...  What are you supposed to do if you feel like sneezing or something...

I like to take pictures of gargoyles on old buildings in Europe.  This one is very humorous, too.

In this building, the instruments used to torture prisnors in the Tower of London are exhibited.
これは Scavenger’s daughter という拷問用の器具。たぶん膝を折って座っている人を締め付ける器具だと思いますが、痛そ~。

This is one of the torture instruments, which is called “Scavenger’s daughter”.  The prisoner’s body is folded and almost crushed by iron bows tightened by a torturer.  Looks so painful~.

This is another one called “manacles” which are iron handcuffs fastened around a victim’s wrists, from which he could be hung with his feet off the floor.  Scary....

Founded during the reign of King John in the early 1200s, exotic animals(lions, polar bears and elephants, tigers, etc) lived at the Tower for over 600 years.  Maybe because of this fact, sculptures of various animals are everywhere in the Tower. 

Found an elephant scalpture here!!


This armor was sold at the gift shop – I wonder who would buy such a thing…
出口を出ると目の前にはすぐタワーブリッジがあります。本当は橋の上を歩きたかったのですが、この時点ですでに半日過ぎていて、連日の歩き疲れのため足が棒のようになってしまい、行くのをあきらめました。この後はアフタヌーンティーを楽しむため次の目的地、Goring Hotel へ移動しました。続きはまた後で~。

At the exit, you can see the Tower Bridge very clearly.  Originally we planed to visit the bridge, but we spent almost 4 hours in the tower and were too exhausted to walk to the bridge.  So we gave up and headed to the next place, Goring Hotel, for the afternoon tea.

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