Friday, September 17, 2010

GNO at Beehive

今日は、Girls Night Out (GNO) ということで、会社の同僚・元同僚の女性7人で、South End にある Beehive へ行って来ました。店内が暗かったのと、みんなを待たせるのが悪いと思って急いで撮ったのとで、いい写真が撮れませんでした...。

It was Girls Night Out (GNO) today, and I went to Beehive in South End with my current and former colleagues (total 7 girls).  It was dark inside the restaurant and also I was in a hurry as I did not want to keep other people waiting, so I could not take good pictures...

Beehive Julep というカクテル。私はお酒を飲まないので、ノンアルコールバージョンにしてもらいました。

Beehive Julep (Rum, Liquor Creole, Lime, Fresh Mint).  I don't drink alcohol, so I asked for the virgin version of this cocktail.

Well, this bread was not very tasty...

Their appetizers were more appealing than the main dishes, so we decided to order every appetizer (I guess 12 of them) on the menu.  This is fried green tomatoes. 

Mezze Platter (Hummus, Salads, Whipped Feta, Olives, Pickles).  I think I tasted it a little, but I don't remember...

Antipasto Platter (Cured Meats, Cheeses, Olives, Salads).  I had some prosciutto, tomatoes and olives.  It was OK.  I liked tomatoes which were very sweet.

Flat Bread (Olives, Cheese??).

Moroccan Cigars (Lamb-filled Phyllo Spring Rolls; left) and Sweet and Spicy Baby Back Ribs (right).  I didn't eat these, so I don't know how good but other people said they were tasty.

Mussels with Lager.  I think they were too small and and lacked the juiciness.  I prefer bigger, fuller ones.  Also, I did not taste any Lager flavor, although I liked the sauce.

Crispy duck salad.  I liked this duck, because it did not have the suck smell maybe because it was overcooked (I liked its crispiness, but it was maybe too much for people who like duck)


Truffled Potatoes and Cheese Pierogies.  I've never had this kind of dish before, but this was my favorite tonight.

Fried Calamaris.  This was not crispy enough and too oily for me.

Spinach and Mushroom Salad. I don't remember if I ate it or not I don't remember if I ate it or not...

French Fries. Potatoes were thickly cut and very tasty when it was hot.

Chocolate Mousse.  I just had one bite as I was already too full.

Peach Cobbler.  I had the ice cream only.
メープルシロップのチーズケーキ。メープルシロップは大好きなので、もと食べたかったのですが、これも一口食べるのがが精一杯。久しぶりに会った人たちもいたので、楽しい時間をすごすことができました。これから定期的に GNO を行うことに決まりました。

Maple Walnut (?) Cheese Cake.  I like maple syrup, so I wanted to eat more, but I did not have any space in my stomach and could eat only one bite.  We had a great time and decided to have GNO periodically.

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