Thursday, September 30, 2010

When Poirot was a little baby (2)

Poirot がまだ赤ちゃんのころは一日の大半を寝てすごしていました。ついさっきまで元気に走り回っていたと思ったら、その30秒後くらいにはもういびきをかいて寝ています。

When Poirot was a puppy, he spent most of his time sleeping.

I did not want to disturb his sleep, but he was too cute no to touch him while he was sleeping...

But once he fell asleep, he did not wake up even when we touched him or made some noise.

We could not take our eyes off from him when he was awake since he was always thinking what he ccould do to surprise mommy and daddy, but he was an angel when he was sleeping (and he still is!).
でもたまに白目をむいて寝ているときもありました(今でもよくあります)。これは不細工でちょと怖いよ、Poirot 君。

But he sometimes slept with his eyes slightly open, showing the whites of his eyes (he still does that often).  You look like a little monster or something, Poirot


  1. Baby pictures are always sooo cute. They all look like little angels when they are sleeping. Even the white eye picture...he looks like a "cute" little monster. :D

    By the way, would you happen to know what happened to Sasachi (Mino) - Sasami's mommy...? All of her blog sites are no longer working and we are worried about them. :(

  2. We have even uglier pictures of sleeping Poirot - white eyes (both eyes!) with his mouth wide open. It is too ugly to upload to my blog... It will scare away people!

    I don't know what happened to Sasachi. I was wondering the same thing. I tried to access her blogs many times but no success... Hope she is ok...
