Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trip to New Orleans Day 2 (1)

ニューオーリンズ2日目はまず有名な Cafe du Monde で朝食です。

Second day in New Orleans.  We first went to the famous Cafe du Monde for breakfast.

Probably because it was the Sunday morning, there was a long line in front of the cafe.  But since there were so many tables, we could get seated with only a short wait (less than 10 min).
ここに来たからには beignets (揚げドーナツのようなもの)を注文しないわけには行きません。

Here, you must order beignets.

Of course we ordered them as well.  One order comes with 3 pieces (we ordered 2), so I was worried if I could finish them all, but it was easy!  Although a lot of powder sugar on them, the dough itself was not very sweet (just perfect sweetness) and I did not taste them too oily.
腹ごしらえした後は、Swamp (沼地・湿地)ツアーに参加。このボートに乗って、沼地を進んでいきます。

After the breakfast, we joined a swamp tour.  This is the boat we took.

There were many plants I've never seen before.  The white stuff hanging from trees is the Spanish moss.

There was another tour where you could take this air boat.  It can run fast, but very noisy and you need to put a headset on during the ride.

This is not a head of an alligator, but it is the head of a fish in this swamp.  It looked like an alligator, though.

A bird I've never seen (I forgot the name of it).

Finally we found an alligator!

This alligator looked scary.

Our captain threw marshmallows to the swamp, then several alligators came to eat them.  I didn't know alligators like marshmallows!

Another alligator on a tree.  You couldn't see it until you come close to it as it was blending in the tree.

I held a baby alligator first time in my life!  I was scared at the beginning, but it was very calm.  Now I think it is rather cute (if it stays ib this size).

Another couple on this tree.

And a turtle.

It was very beautiful.

It was very interesting experience and we enjoyed a lot.  I highly recommend this tour.

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