Saturday, November 13, 2010

Trip to New Orleans Day 1 (2)


After lunch, we walked to the Jackson Square. Around the square, there are many artists exhibiting and selling their paintings, etc.

St. Louis Cathedral just next to the Jackson Square.   It is the oldest continuously operating cathedral in the United States.
お土産物屋さんにあった巨大なタバスコの瓶。タバスコというのは商品名で、ニューオーリンズのあるルイジアナ州に本社を置くマキルヘニー社(McIlhenny Company)が商標権を持つらしいです。だからここではあちこちでタバスコが売られているんですね。

A huge bottle of Tabasco.  Tabasco is the brand name for a hot sauce produced by Louisiana-based McIlhenny Company. That's why Tabasco bottles are sold everywhere in New Orleans!

The entrance of French Market.  Inside, there are many souvenir shops, farmer's market, etc.

This is one of the shops in French Market where they serve alligator's meat.

$3 for a stick of alligator meat.

A balcony of the building in French Quarter No. 1.

A balcony of the building in French Quarter No. 2.

A balcony of the building in French Quarter No. 3.  Each balcony is decorated differently, and it was very interesting to check each one of them.

A street car.
休憩後はフレンチクウォーターにあるレストラン、Bayona へ夕食を食べに行きました。レストランの名前はスペイン統治時代の通りの名前から来ているようです。

After taking a break, we went to Bayona, a French (?) restaurant in French Quarter for dinner.  The restaurant appears to be named after the street name  when New Orleans was controlled by Spain. 

Well, the impression of the restaurant was "good food but bad service".

First, they put us in a small room where there were two other big tables (8 ppl/table, total 16 ppl), and one of the groups (8 middle-aged, drunken (I guess) women) was so incredibly loud and noisy, and we could not enjoy our meal (my husband complained to our waiter, but he did nothing).

This is the local beer by husband ordered.

My appetizer, Grilled Shrimp with Black Bean Cake and Coriander Sauce.  I though the shrimp was a little bit overcooked, but was not bad.

My husband ordered his appetizer from Today's Special menu.  I don't remember its name, but it was something like the asparagus quiche and crab meat on top of it.  He insisted the crab meat was from the can.

After our appetizers, we had to wait for 1 hour for the main dishes.  The excuse by our waiter was because "many people ordered steaks and pork chops well-done".  But that was nothing to do with our dishes!  It is ok to wait for 1 hour under the "normal" condition, but since we were sitting next to these crazy noisy women, I almost lost my patience.  But this dish my husband ordered (Italian-stuffed Rabbit Roulade and Paneed Leg, Sauteed Escarole, Wild Mushrooms, Roasted Roma Tomatoes and Marsala Sauce) was very good.
私はメキシコ湾で採れた "tripletail" (日本語ではマツダイ?)と言うお魚を注文。これもおいしかったです。本当はデザートも食べたかったのですが、またこのうるさい中で長い間待つ気にはなれず、あきらめました。

I ordered "tripletail" caught in the gulf of Mexico.  It was very tasty, too.  We actually wanted to try their desserts, but didn't feel like waiting for a long time in this environment, so we gave up.
でも何かちょっと甘いものが食べたかったので、ホテル近くの Pink Berry でフローズンヨーグルトを買って食べました。今度もしこのレストランに来る機会があったら(おいしかったのでまた挑戦したいのですが)、予約時に静かな席にしてもらうように頼みます!

But we wanted to eat something sweet, so went to the Pink Berry near our hotel and got a cup of frozen yogurt.   If we ever had a chance to visit this restaurant again (their food was good, so I'd like to come back), I will ask them to give us a quiet seat when I book it.

1 comment:

  1. ニューオリンズの料理はしっかり味がついていそうでいいな。甘から?
