Friday, August 19, 2011

Trip to Montreal - Day 1 (3)

今回私達が宿泊したホテル、Hôtel de l'Institut は Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec という、観光・ホテル業に関する政府の教育機関に併設されています。ここの学生さん達はこのホテルやホテル内のレストランでインターンシップできるそうです。8階建ての大きな建物なのですが、7階と8階だけが客室で、全部で40室ほどしかありません。

We stayed at Hôtel de l'Institut, which is operated by the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec.  This is a government agency entirely devoted to training and research in the hotel, tourism and food service industries.  The students at this institute can do internships at this hotel and the restaurants attached to it.  It is a big, 8-story building, but the hotel rooms are located only on the 7th and 8the floors (only ~40 rooms).
無事チェックインした後、客室へ行くためにエレベーターまで歩いていく途中、たくさんの写真が飾ってあったので何かと思ってよく見ると、なんとイギリスのウィリアム王子とキャサリン妃の写真! 先月彼らがカナダ訪問した際、ここに来て、お料理のレッスンを受たようです。会いたかったな~。

After checking in, we found many pictures on the way to in, we found many pictures on the way to the elevator to get to our room.  At first we didn't notice, but found out these were the pictures of Price William and Catherine!  I guess they took a cooking lesson here when they visited Canada and US last month.  I wish I could have seen them!!
客室はかなり広くて、モダンなデザイン。バルコニーも付いています。ちなみに防音設備もしっかりしていて、隣室の音は (両隣とも宿泊客はいましたが) 全く聞こえませんでした。ちょっと冷房の音がうるさかったですが。

The room was very spacious and contemporary (our room had the balcony, too).  It also appeared to have a very good sound proof system and we didn't hear anything from outside/next doors (although all the rooms seemed occupied).  But the AC in our room made a rather big noise..
Nespresso のエスプレッソメーカーもありました。このエスプレッソメーカーは操作も簡単でかなり本格的な味だったので、このシリーズでカプチーノなども作れるものを購入することにしました! 今使ってるエスプレッソメーカーは使った後掃除するのが大変なんですよね~。さて少し休憩した後は、早速観光へ!

The amenities included the iPhone/iPod charger, flat screen TV, and Nespresso coffee maker.  I loved this machine (easy to prepare/clean and  espresso was very tasty), and decided to buy the same machine that can also make cappuccino.  My espresso machine at home requires a lot of cleaning after using it...  After taking a short break, we went out to do some sightseeing. 
ホテルを出てすぐのところに、こんな像が! これほど頭を抱えて困ってしまうなんて、どんな失敗したんやろ~??

We just stepped out the hotel, and found this statue.  What have you done to make you perplexed so much?!

Our hotel is  in the Quartier Latin on rue Saint-Denis where many trendy restaurants, cafes, and bars are located.  It was nice to see people enjoying their food/drink at outside tables.
Dr. Frost というアイスクリーム屋さんを発見。マカロンアイスがあるようなので試してみることに。

On the way, we stopped at an ice cream shop called Dr. Frost.

We found very colorful macaron ice cream, and decided to get one.  I couldn't decide which color - they all looked interesting!

Eventually I chose the one with strawberry ice cream.  Yum, yum!

Then we continued to walk to Old Montreal (Vieux-Montréal).

In front of the gorgeous city hall, plants were decorated beautifully.

What kind of Coat of Arms is this?

The city hall itself is also very European...

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