Monday, March 26, 2012

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 11 (京都 (Kyoto))


Today, we came to "Sakurada" for lunch with my parents.  This is the Michelin 2 star restaurant.

Since were were a group of 4, we booked the private room - a tiny Japanese-style garden can be seen through the window in our room.

At first, tea with cherry blossom petals was served..   
この掛け軸になんて書いてあるのか4人で (夫ももちろん漢字が読めるので) 議論になったのですが、正解は “開花香満衣” でした。

We discussed what was written on the hanging scroll as it was written in the cursive writing (my husband joined the discussion as he can of course read Chinese characters).  None of us guessed right.

Everyone except me started with beer.

The first dish was served in a beautiful, spring-like container.
中は八寸です。セリのぬた和え、穴子の八幡巻き、焼き魚 (何のお魚か忘れました)、菜の花のおひたし、白魚、こんにゃく、海老などが入ってました。これはまあ普通かなという感じ。見た目も特に美しいというわけではありません。

Inside were the various small dishes.  They were OK.

The next was the soup.
ぐじ (甘鯛)、わかめと蓬の生麩入りです。お出汁はやっぱり薄味ですが、さすがにおいしい。

A peice of tilefish, seaweed (wakame), and Japanese mugwort flavored fresh gluten cakes were in the soup - very, very light broth but very delicious.

Then 3 different kinds of sashimi fish (tuna, fluke and squid) were brought to us.  The tuna and fluke were OK but the squid was super fresh and tasty.

These were the skewered pieces of tofu baked and coated with sweet miso - green one was leaf bud of Japanese pepper flavored and the yellow one was Japanese butterbur scape flavored.

This is the steramed sticky rice with green peas.  On top was a salted cherry leaf. 

The container used for this dish had many small holes at the bottom so that it can be directly placed in a steamer.

I always get excited when I open a cover of a dish!

Inside were the simmered bamboo shoot, seaweed, butterbur and a fried fresh gluten cake.  This dish was also very lightly and delicately flavored.  I am very used to light flavored dishes and love them, so I liked this dish.  But if you like strong flavors, you may feel it has no taste!

And the last dish before the dessert was the chirashi sushi with sea eel and also small pieces of
mackerel and tilefish sushi.  I was soooo stuffed after I ate this...
最後に6種類のデザート。左上から時計回りに苺 (あまおう)、オレンジ (せとか)、メレンゲ、桜餡のお菓子、キウィ、そして豆乳のクレームブリュレ。このせとかが想像を絶する甘さでびっくり! 早速次の日母が伊勢丹内のスーパーでせとかを買ってきてました (おいしかったのですが、でも桜田さんで食べたのよりは甘くなかった)。今回頂いたのは多分7000円のコースだったと思うのですが、全体的にはまあこんなものかな~って感じです。他のお店なら同じようなものがもう少し安い値段で食べられたかも。

And lastly the desserts.  This orange (special brand) was unbelievably sweet and juicy.  The next day my mother found the same oranges in a supermarket and bought some for us (which were also sweet, but not as good as the one we had at this restaurant).  Overall, it was not bad, but nothing mind-blowing.

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