Sunday, March 18, 2012

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 3 (3)(台北 (Taipei))

一旦家に戻ってお昼寝をしてから (時差ぼけでお昼間はすごく眠い) 夜10時頃起き出して、おなじみの士林夜市へやって来ました。この夜市は去年大幅に改装されてすっかりきれいになってました!

After we took a nap at home, we woke up at ~10 pm and came to the Shilin night market which was completely renovated last year.

The first thing we found was one of our favorite stand in the market, Hot-Star, which sells huge fried chickens.  As usual, many people were waiting in line when we arrived.

Their fried chicken is as big as your face and very juicy and tasty...  So good!!

Now the food court is located in the basement of the new building.

So many foods in the basement!!  Every time I come here, I get so excited - I want to eat (almost) everything!!


First we got a "pepper bun" - beef marinated with lots of black pepper and other seasonings is wrapped with a flaky biscuit-like bread.

This "pepper bun" did not have too much black pepper - I like ones with more pepper.  But the beef was very juicy and flavorful.
次に私の大好物、イカと筍の煮物が食べられるお店を探したのですが (同じメニューを出すお店が何件かある)、去年までとはすっかりお店の位置が変わってしまって、私たちのお気に入りのお店がどこに行ってしまったのかわかりません。とりあえず、多分ここだろうと目星を付けて入ってみました。 注文はメニューの中の食べたい物の横に数量を書き入れてお店の人に渡せばいいだけなので言葉が話せなくても大丈夫。

Then we went to one of our favorite shops that served squid and bamboo shoot  stew.  This is the menu and you can just check the boxes next to the dishes you want , so you don't need to speak (we, Japanese, can read these Chinese characters). 
これがその、イカと筍の煮物 (生炒花枝羹)。イカは歯ごたえがあって、スープもとろ~っとして出汁が利いていておいしい~!! 何杯でも食べられます。

This is the squid and bamboo shoot  stew.  The bamboo shoots were crunch, the squid was chewy (but not rubbery) and the soup was very tasty..  I can have 10 bowls of this dish...
もうひとつ注文したのがこれもやっぱり定番の牡蠣入りオムレツ (蚵仔煎)。夫によると以前お客さんたちが、入っている牡蠣の数が少ないと文句を言ったらしく、その後 (最近) 牡蠣の最低個数を決める法律 (条例?) ができたとか。なんか嘘っぽい話ですが、確かに今回はかなりの数の牡蠣が入ってました。

We also ordered a oyster omelet.  According to my husband, the government recently legislated minimum numbers (I don't know how many) of oysters to be added in an oyster omelet (because someone complained not many oysters in an omelet).  I doubted it was true, but this time we got a lot of oysters in our pancake...

There were so many small dishes we wanted to try, but we needed to save some stomach space for desserts - so we gave up..

But I really wanted to try this sausage grilled on hot stones....  Maybe next time!

The dessert we wanted to eat was the shaved ice with fruits.  But we found two shops for shaved ice, and didn't know which one our favorite was.  We tried the one with more customers, but it tasted somehow too artificial and was not as good as before (I guess we went to the wrong one??). 

Of course it was not bad, but we thought the ice used to be more smooth and the flavors more natural...  Well, we were planning to visit another shaved ice shop next day, so it was OK

After getting stuffed (yet again), we came out the building and walked around the area.  I've never seen this kind of umbrellas before, but you would never get wet under it.
おもしろ T-シャツなどもたくさん売ってます。それにしても臭屁って…。誰が着るんやろ。漢字が読めない外国人とかかなあ。

This is the shop that sells funny T-shirts (I can read what's written on these T-shirts, but if you don't, you should ask the meaning before you buy one!).
さあそろそろ帰ろうかというときにイカ焼き発見! どうしても食べたくなって1匹購入。

When we were ready to go home, I found grilled squids!!  I LOVE grilled squid, and had to order one.

The squid was grilled (with teriyaki-kind of sauce) and cut into small pieces.  As I expected, it was very tasty.  We went back home after midnight but I couldn't fall asleep because of the jet lag...  So tired...

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