Monday, March 19, 2012

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 4 (1)(台北 (Taipei))

今朝は台北から車で1時間半程のところにある夫のお母さんのお墓参りに行き、その後台北まで戻ってきてお昼ご飯。永康街にある度小月 (本店は台南) に擔仔麺を食べにやって来ました。

We woke up early this morning and visited my husband's mother's grave which is located north of Taipei (~1.5 hour drive from Taipei).  Then we came back to Taipei for lunch - we didn't have any plan and just happened to be near Yong Kang Street, so decided to go to Slack Season to have tan tsi noodles.  This restaurant is originally from Tainan.

This is the original tan tsi noodles - minced pork on top of egg noodle soup.
私は卵麺ではなく、緑豆でできた麺にしてもらいました。こっちの麺のほうがもちっと歯ごたえがあって私の好み。どちらも一杯50元 (100~150円くらい?) と、格安。

I chose the noodles made of green beans instead of egg noodles.  Both were very good but I still preferred mine.  Both were very cheap, only ~$1.5.

We also ordered the fried shrimp rolls.  Very flavorful.

The direct translation of this green vegetable is "dragon's whisker".  It was simply boiled and mixed with soy sauce/black sesames.  I'd never had this before, but it was quite tasty.
食後は数件となりにあるスムージーとカキ氷のお店、思慕昔へデザートを食べにやってきました! 日本人率高し! 私たちが訪れた時は多分90%のお客さんは日本人だったと思います。

After the lunch, we walked a few doors down to Smoothie to get some dessert (shaved ice).
これはこのお店1番人気の超級綜合水果冰! マンゴー味の雪花氷 (水、ミルクと果物をミックスしたものを固め、削った氷) の上に、新鮮なマンゴー、イチゴ、キウイがのっていてさらにその上にはマンゴーアイスクリームが!! 氷がふわ~っとしていてとってもおいしい~! でもすごいボリュームで一人では絶対食べ切れません。この後、周辺をぶらぶら歩いてm茶の発破などお土産を買った後、家に帰ってまた昼寝をしてしまいました。だから時差ぼけ、直らないんだろうな~とは思いながらも眠さには勝てません。

This one is the most popular one at this shop - mango-flavored snowflake ice with fresh fruits (mango, strawberries, kiwi) and mango ice cream! "Snowflake ice" is made by mixing water, milk and mango, freezing shaving it.  As a result, the ice is very fluffy and soft.  Very, very tasty!!  But I never can finish it all by myself - it is HUGE.  Then we walked around the area, bought some tea leaves, etc, and went back home to get some nap!

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