Poirot は食い意地が張っているので、おやつなどを見せて“待て”と言っても隙あらば食べようとするのですが、朝夕の食事だけは別です。たとえ私の姿が見えなくても食べていいよと言うまで絶対に食べません。多分家に初めて来たときからこれだけはしっかり訓練したからでしょうか?でも食べたくて食べたくてしょうがないと言う表情で私の顔をじ~っと見つめます。
Poirot LOVES to eat, and when we show him treats and ask him to wait, he always makes an attempt to steal the treats. However, the breakfast and dinner are the exceptions - he never eats it until I say it is OK to eat even if I am not around. I guess this is because we trained him from Day 1. But his expression tells me that he really and badly wants to eat his meal. |
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