Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trip to Taiwan-Japan Day 4 (3)(野柳 (Yehliu))


We left Jiufen and drove along the north coast of Taiwan.

It is a very beautiful place.

After driving further, we arrived at Yeliu Geopark.  At the entrance of the visitor center, a statue of cute girl with humongous head welcomed us.  At that time, I didn't know the meaning of this weired head... 

Passing the visitor center, and we discovered the weirdest scenery.  This place is the National Scenic Area with so many thoodoo stones that dot its surface!  The head of the girl statue represented these stones.

They really looked weired and unique - I've never seen something like that.
これらは蕈状岩 (きのこ岩) と呼ばれ、入り口でもらった日本語パンフレットによると岩層の節理が海水の浸食によっ流れ出て、砂岩の中の硬い核の部分だけが次第に露出してきたものだそうです。

These are called "mushroom rocks".

There are ~180 of these mushroom rocks here.  What wonders the nature can make!
これは燭台石といわれるものですが、私はついつい別のものを想像してしまいました。後でパンフレットをよく読むと乳岩とも呼ばれるとありました。やっぱりどう見ても燭台と言うよりは..... ですよね。

These are called "candle rocks".  But to me, they didn't look like candles, but, you know...

Many people were at one place.
私たちも人だかりのする方へ歩いていきます。ここには他にも薑石 (しょうが石)、豆腐岩、仙女鞋 (仙女の草履) など、面白い岩がたくさんあります。

We walked toward the crowd.  Along the way, there were many other interesting rocks ("ginger rocks", "tofu rocks", "fairy's shoe"), all of which were given imaginative names based on their shapes.

But the most popular one is this, called "queen's head".  This really looked like a queen's head.  It was like an art work created by the nature.

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