ポルトガルから帰ってきてまず Poirot を迎えに行き (Poirot はお友達の来福君のお家でお留守番してました)、その後留守中にお世話になった近所の友人夫妻と夕食を食べに行きました。私たちの旅行中ボストンでは大雪が降ったのですが、この友人が私たちの家の回りの雪かきをしておいてくれたので、大変助かりました。 ボストン (とその周辺) では雪が止んで6時間 (?) 以内に自宅の周りの歩道の雪かきをしないと罰金が科せられれ、おまけにもし雪かきをしなかったために誰かがその雪 (や氷) のせいで転んで怪我をしたら、雪かきをしなかった人の責任になる (転んだ人に裁判で訴えられたら多分すごい額の賠償金を払わなくてはいけない) という恐ろしい法律があるんです。
Immediately after our return from Portugal, we went to pick Poirot up (he was at his friend, Laifu's house), then invited our friend and his wife for dinner. They are our neighbors who took care of our house during our absence. When we were in Portugal, Boston had a big snow storm, and he kindly shoveled our driveway and sidewalk for us. In Boston (and the surrounding area), if residents do not shovel out their sideways within 6 hours after snowfall stops, a fine may be charged (by law). In addition, property owners can be held libel for injuries due to snow and ice (so, you may get sued if someone falls down in front of your house!!).
本当はもっといいレストランに行きたかったのですが、私たちが疲れていたし、大晦日はいいレストランは予約で満席なので、とりあえず家の近所の瑞福酒家 (Fuloon) へ行くことにしました。
I wanted to go to a better restaurant, but we were very tired and on the NYE, no tables would be available without reservations. So we decided to go to Fuloon near our house. |
西湖牛肉羹。このスープは広東料理の店 (East Ocean City のが一番おいしい) でよく注文する私のお気に入りメニューなのですが、ここのはおいしくない。
Sai Woo Beef Soup. This is my favorite soup in Cantonese restaurants (one at East Ocean City in China Town), but this one was not good.. |
Tea-smoked duck. This was not too bad. |
Steamed pork shoulder. The meat was very tender. |
Vinegar fried rice. I love vinegar, so I like this fried rice, too. But our friends did not seem like it, and they ordered a bowl of white rice.. |
Steamed whole fish with ginger and scallion. |
And coconut milk with tapiocas (free) at the end. Today's dishes were not as good as usual. I guess the chef was on vacation? But anyway we had a good year in 2010, and 2011 is hopefully a good year, too. |