Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trip to Portugal Day 6 (5) (Sintra - Palácio Nacional da Pena)


We further walked from the Castle of the Moors to the Pena National Palace (Palácio Nacional da Pena).  This is the entrance.
宮殿はここから急な坂道を更に15分ほど登らなければなりません。でも先程シントラの王宮からムーア城跡まで険しい山道を歩いてきた私たちには歩く力が残っていなかったので、このミニバスに乗ることにしました。往復で一人 2€ です。

To visit the palace, visitors have to walk up for another 15 min or so.  But we were too tired to do so since we walked a lot from the National Palace to the Castle of the Moor, and decided to take this mini-bus (2€/person for the round trip).

When we got off the bus, this weird building was in front of us.

This building consists of the mixture of different styles - I have never seen something like this before.

It is also painted with various pastel colors.

To go inside, we went through this overly decorated gate.

This palace is said to be one of the major expressions of 19th century Romanticism in the world, but to me, it looked kind of incoherent and no harmony.  I guess this kind of style was exotic and mysterious at that time.

It is the mixture of the Neo-Gothic, Neo-Manueline, Islamic, Neo-Renaissance and whatever.  When looking at this building in the fog I thought it was like a house for a witch in a fairy tail.

Something so weired jumped into my eyes when I looked up the gate.

This is Triton, a mythological Greek god and the messenger of the sea.  He is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea, and Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, whose herald he is.  This has the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish.  This is supposed to be symbolizing the allegory of creation of the world, but looked so weired to me.

We walked around the palace.

This clock tower reminded me of the the Big Ben in London..

We could see the Castle of the Moor that we visited earlier.

From here we entered the palace but pictures were not allowed.
それぞれの部屋には豪華な調度品などがありましたが、写真が撮れなかったので残念。でも中庭ならいいかなとこっそり何枚か撮って見ました (中には警備の人もいなかったし)。

Each room were decorated with the gorgeous furniture, etc, but unfortunately we couldn't take any pictures.  But we took some pictures of the terrace secretly (no security guard was there!).

This picture was also secretly taken.  It has the Islamic style.

By the time we left the palace, it was sunny.

This is the last picture we took before we left the palace.  This palace is really unique and I don't know anything like this in other places.

On the way back, I found another cat.  So cute.

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