Monday, December 27, 2010

Trip to Portugal Day 3 (5) (Lisbon)


For the dinner, we came to a restaurant in the Bairro Alto area.  This time, we took this cable car to climb up the steep slope instead of walking.
ここが予約していた、Lisboa à Noite です。予約時間は夜8時 (予約は e-mail で頼みました)。時間通りに到着です。

This is the restaurant (Lisboa à Noite) we had a reservation at (we requested the reservation via e-mail).  Our reservation was at 8 pm, and we arrived on time.

There was a water tank at the entrance of the restaurant.  The building itself appeared old, but the inside was beautifully renovated.

The walls were decorated with the beautiful Azulejo.  When we arrived at the restaurant, there were only two groups at the tables, but as time went by more and more people came and eventually the restaurant got full.  Some people without reservation gave up and left.  I knew that European people eat late dinner, but I was still amazed that even after 10 pm people came and started full course meals...  I wonder if they don't feel uncomfortable next morning...
席に着くと食前酒を勧められたので、何かお薦めのを持って来と頼んだらこれが出てきました。白ポートワインです。ポートワインは食後に飲むものだと思っていたのでちょっと驚きましたが甘くて (でも普通のポートワインほどは甘くなく)おいしかったです。

When we sat at the table we were asked if we wanted to have some apéritif.  We requested to bring us what was recommended by our waiter.  It was actually the white port wine.  I was a little surprised as I thought port wine was dessert wine, but it was not as sweet as normal (made from red grapes) port wine and tasty.
そしてまずは 有料の、でも有無を言わさず出てくるパン。でもおいしかったからいいんですけどね。

And the bread.  It is not free, but almost mandatory (but it was OK as I liked this bread).

Two different kinds of butter, the normal one and the one with garlic, came with the bread.
オリーブ。これも有料だし、食べたくなければ食べなくてもいいのですが (手をつけなかったら料金は取られません)、目の前にあるとついつい食べてしまいます。

Olives.  They are not free either but if they are not touched it wouldn't be charged.  But since they were in front of us it was hard to resist...

Most of the dishes we selected were seafood, so we ordered the white wine.

The garlic shrimp.  We couldn't help but ordering this dish every time we found it on menus.  Shrimp in this dish were very big!
ポルトガルソーセージ (多分チョリソーのようなもの) などをマッシュルームに詰めて焼いたもの。ソーセージとマッシュルームの風味がよくマッチしておいしい!

Stuffed mushrooms with Portuguese sausages (I guess it is something similar to Spanish chorizo) and several vegetables.  The sausages added nice flavors to juicy mushrooms.

Octopus sautéed in olive oil with clams and vegetables.  In America, octopuses are not a very popular food and I really miss octopuses (I LOVE them).  When I found octopus dishes in menus of almost all restaurants I visited in Lisbon , I was very excited.  This octopus was very very tender!

The grilled salted cod.  The meat was so thick that I couldn't believe it was the dried fish.  The potatoes were also very good - crispy outside and blended well with the sauce.

The desserts were in the showcase.

I wasn't sure what it exactly was, but I selected this cake.  It was something between the sponge cake and the flan.  On top of it was a lot of cinnamon powder.  It was not too sweet or too heavy.

We finished our dinner with coffee.  We liked everything we had and were very satisfied.  But it was after 10:30 pm when we finished and thus we were very sleepy (also because of the jet lag) at the end...

The Bairro Alto area at night had the different face than in the day time (more romantic, I guess).

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