Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trip to Portugal Day 5 (1) (Lisbon)

今日は一日あまり予定をいれず、お土産などを買うのに過ごしました。朝ごはんをどこで食べようかと考えながらロッシオ広場に来て、適当なカフェのテラスに座ってみました。後で知ったのですがこの Pastelaria Suiça というのは歴史のある有名店だったようです。

We did not make a lot of plans today, and spent time on souvenir shopping.  We came to the Rossio Square wondering where we should've eaten our breakfast.  We found outside tables at a cafe in the square, so we sat without knowing this cafe, Pastelaria Suiça, was the famous one, established in 1922 (Maria Callas, Edward Kennedy, Orson Welles, etc, were the costomers at this cafe).

Wide variety of cakes and fruits were presented inside the cafe.

We ordered what we wanted by pointing the finger at them.

I picked the fruit salad, which included ~10 different kinds of fruits in the freshly squeezed orange juice.  They were all very sweet and refreshing.

My husband ordered this cake.  Even after I tasted it, I could not figure out what it was.  But it was very sweet.  By the way the price for coffee was high compared to other cafes.

After we did some small shopping's, we went to the Bairro Alto district by taking this cable car again.

This time we were the first ones to get in, so we could secure the best spot (next to the driver's seat)
運転手になったつもりでハンドルを切ってみたりしました (運転席は前と後ろ二つにあって、私達の座ったのは坂を下るときに使われる方のものです;本物の運転手さんは前の運転席にいます)。

We both pretended as if we were the drivers and turned the handle, etc (there are two driver's seats, in the front and back of the car; the real driver was sitting in the front seat and we were at the back seat).
今回の目的はここ、Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto へ来ること! ケーブルカーを降りてすぐのところにあるポートワインとドウロワインの研究所 (?) 所有のお店で、たくさんの珍しいワインの中から好きなものを試すことができます。(私の推測ですが) 利益というよりもポルトワインへの理解を深めるのが目的のため、 値段はかなり抑え目です。気に入ったら購入することもできます。

The main purpose to come to this area was to visit Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto.  This place is operated by the Douro and Porto Wine Institute, and visitors can taste variety of different wines by a glass.  The main goal for this place is (I guess) to promote the wines in the region and educate people, not to make profits, so the price for wine tasting is pretty low.  

The interior was like the wine cellar.
壁一面にワインボトルが展示されています。私達が訪れたのは開店直後 (11時半位) だったので空いていましたがその後どんどん人が増えて、テーブルはほぼ満席に。皆お昼から飲むんですね。

Wine bottles were stored on the walls.  There were not many people when we arrived here right after it opened (11:30 am), but then more and more people came and almost all the seats were occupied by noon.  I guess people like to during during the day time.
巨大なワイングラス。私の身長よりも大きかったです。メニューには何百種類ものポートワインが載っていて、安いものではグラス €1 からあります。年季の入ったビンテージものだとやはりかなり値段は高いですが。

This wine glass was taller than my height.  The menu had the extensive list of wines (several hundreds, I guess).  The cheaper ones cost only €1/glass.  The old vintage ones were of course more expensive.
私達は Dalva の40年物と Krohn の20年物にトライしてみました。やはり40年物は芳醇でまろやかな味わいですね。20年物でも十分味に深みがありますが40年物と比べるとやっぱり違いがわかります。

We ordered 40 years old Dalva and 20 years old Krohn to taste.  The 40 years old one had very deep, nutty flavors but also very mild.  The 20 years old one was also very good, but I could tell the difference between 20 and 40 years old.
アルコール度数は普通のワインよりも高いのでお酒に弱い私はあまり飲めませんでしたが夫はかなり気に入った様子。自分達用にこの Dalva の40年物を1本と友人へのお土産用にビンテージのもの2本とを購入しました。さすがにワイン3本を持ち歩くのは重いので、この後一旦荷物を置きにホテルに戻りました。

Since I don't drink too much, I could not finish the whole glass (higher alcohol content than normal wine), but my husband really liked them and finished all for me.  We bough one bottle of Dalva 40 years old for ourselves, and two bottles of vintage one for our friends.  Since it was too heavy to carry around three wine bottles, we went back to our hotel to leave our wine bottles in our room.

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