For one week from Dec.25, we visited Portugal to take advantage of Christmas break. This time we had 4 days and half being in the land of Portugal, we decided to stay in Lisbon only.
私たちのフライトは夜7時過ぎだったので、ボストンの空港で夕食をとりました (今回使った航空会社はデルタなので機内食は期待できません)。これはイカフライ。
Our departure time was after 7 pm, so we had our dinner at the Boston airport (since we flew with Delta, we did not expect good meals on the plane). This is the fried calamaris. |
そしてハンバーガー (サラダも付いてきました)。
And a hamburger (came with salad). |
The space between seats was very narrow as is always the case in any of Delta's planes.... |
Our plane took off on time. Beautiful night view of Boston. |
For dinner, we had a choice of chicken or vegetarian pasta. I chose the pasta, which was very oily and I could not eat more than half. |
My husband selected the chicken, but it did not look good, either... |
After the dinner, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw the city of Amsterdam where we needed to transfer. It was 8 am, but still dark. |
After we landed, it was getting lighter. |
アムステルダムでは4時間ほど待ち時間があったので、あちこち空港内を歩き回りました。この飾りつけは2年前と一緒 (でも数が少なくなっているような)。
We had about 4 hours to kill until our next flight, so we walked around in the airport. This decoration was same as the one we saw 2 years ago (but fewer, I guess)... |
I don't remember whether this decoration was same as well. |
Although we were not hungry, we went to the cafe and ordered coffee and salad. |
The view from the cafe. It was foggy and looked beautiful. |
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