Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trip to Portugal Day 4 (6) (Lisbon)

今夜の夕食は Ibo Restaurante で。ここはポルトガルとモザンビーク料理のレストランです。モザンビークは、1498年にバスコ・ダ・ガマが喜望峰を越えて到達したのをきっかけに、1975年に完全に独立するまでポルトガルの支配下に置かれていました。そのためポルトガルにもモザンビークからの移民が多く、食べ物にも彼らの影響が現れています。

For the dinner, we came to Ibo Restaurante.  This restaurant serves Portuguese and Mozambique dishes. Portugal controlled Mozambique until 1975, and thus many immigrants from Mozambique live in Portugal and we can see their influence on cooking.
レストランはテージョ川に面していて、地下鉄 Cais do Sodré のすぐ横なのですが、Google の地図が間違っていたためなかなか見つけられず、地元の人に聞いてやっとたどり着くことができました。

The restaurant, faced to the Tejo River, is actually just by the metro station "Cais do Sodré", but because of the wrong Google map (hope they will make a correction!), we could not find it at first.  We walked around a lot and eventually had to ask a local person.

Only one couple was at the table when we came here, but nit was full by the time we left.
パンにはオリーブペースト、オリーブオイル+バルサミコ酢、フムス (?) が付いてきました。

The olive paste, olive oil + balsamic vinegar and hummus (?) came with the bread.

We chose this white wine.  Since we didn't know anything about Portuguese wine, we followed our waiter's recommendation. 

Sliced papaya with Iberico ham.  Papaya was sooo sweet and went very well with the ham.

Mozambique-style bread-crusted prawns with garlic and ginger.  The bread crust was seasoned with unknown spices, which I have never tasted before.  It came with four different kinds of sauce and we enjoyed different flavors.  It was so good I ate even the tails.
メインには "Laurentina の天然車海老 (モザンビーク料理)" というものと、蛸のフライを注文したら、両方の味を楽しめるようにそれぞれのお料理を半人前ずつ盛り付けてくれました。写真は半人前で、本当は海老が4匹付いてきます。海老は大きくてぷりぷり、ソースは複雑なスパイスの味でこれもまたすごくおいしい!

For the main dishes, we ordered "Laurentina's wild prawns (Mozambique dish) and Octopus fillets.  Our waiter kindly split each dish into half so that we can enjoy both dishes (the dish in the picture is the half-portion).  Prawns were very big and fresh, and the sauce had a very complicated flavor.  This dish was very good, too!

The octopus fillets (this also is the half-portion).  The octopus was very very tender.

The octopus dish came with the bean and coriander rice.

My husband ordered the caramelized bananas and ice cream for the dessert.  The caramel sauce had sesames, which reminded me of some Asian flavor.  The ice cream had the very rich milk flavor, as well.
私は軽めにチョコレートムース。このチョコレートはミントチョコレートだったので (メニューに書いてあったのですが見過ごしていました)、ちょっと苦手な味でした。でもどっちにしろおなか一杯でこれ以上食べられなかったのでちょうどよかったかも。

I was already full, so I ordered the light dessert, chocolate mousse.  The chocolate was mint flavor (it was mentioned in the menu, but I didn't read it carefully), which I am not fond of, so I couldn't finish it (but I was too full to finish it all, anyway).

And finally the coffee.  All the dishes were good (and unique), the service was very nice (friendly and attentive), and we also had a nice view of the river.  We totally enjoyed our dinner at this restaurant.

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