Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas (Window) Shopping and Lunch at Twitters

今日は吹雪になるという天気予報だったので、特に外出の予定を立てていなかったのですが、予報は大外れで雪は全く降りませんでした。家でじっとしているのも退屈なので、用もないのにクリスマスショッピングで賑わうモールの雰囲気を味わうため近所の Square One Mall というしょぼいモールへ行ってきました (Copley や Natick 等の高級ブランド店が入っているモールは超混雑なのでこの季節、行く気力は起きません)。このモールには H&M、Forever 21、Gap 等の安物のお店が多いのですが、たまに掘り出し物が見つかるのでちょくちょく来ます (家から10分以内に来られるので)。さすがにクリスマス前のこの時期はここも結構混雑しています。

According to the weather forecast, we were supposed to have a snow storm, so we didn't make any plan to go out.  However the forecast was totally wrong and we did not get even a flake.  Since we had nothing to do and I was getting bored, we decided to go to Square One Mall (just less than 10 min drive from our home) to FEEL Christmas shopping (we had nothing to buy).  This mall does not have many attractive shops compared to Copley or Natick malls, but since it is so close to our place, we often visit here (when we have nothing else to do).  At this time of the year, even this mall was crowded.

特に目的もなかったので、とりあえずお昼ごはんを食べようと、モールの中に1つだけあるレストラン、Twitters へ行きました。ここのオーナーは私達がたまに行く近所の Exchange Street Bistro のオーナーでもあります。

Since we had no plan for shopping, we just went to Twitters, the only restaurant in this mall.  The owner of this restaurant is same as the one at our neighborhood restaurant, Exchange Street Bistro.

My husband ordered a glass of beer.  They had wide selections of beer.

He ordered the buffalo wings to go with his beer.  It had 10 pieces!  The sauce was spicy and good.

I ordered the hamburger, and got this huge plate!  I was not expecting at all, but actually beef was juicy and not bad considering the price.  We only ate at the food court in this mall before, but we could use this restaurant from now on... 

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