Sunday, December 26, 2010

Trip to Portugal Day 2 (2) (Lisbon)

食事の後はてくてく歩いて (ずーっと下り坂なので楽チン) ロッシオ広場 (正式名称はペドロ4世広場) までやってきました。サンジョルジェ城もホリデー仕様にライトアップされています。

After the meal, we walked to the Rossio Square (the real name is Praça de Dom. Pedro IV (Pedro IV Square)).  The Castle of São Jorge (Castelo de São Jorge ) was lit up for the holidays.
広場の中央にはペドロ4世の像があります (これもクリスマスのデコレーションのためよく見えませんが)。ペドロ4世は 1826 年から 28 年までポルトガルを治めた後、ブラジル最初の皇帝となった人です。

The bronze statue of Pedro IV, King of Portugal as well as first Emperor of Brazil (as Pedro I) is in the center of the square.

This is the fountain made of bronze imported from France.

Roasted chestnuts were sold everywhere in the square.  You can easily find one as a roasting  machine (I don't know how to call it...) generates a lot of smoke...
栗大好きなので思わず買ってしまいました。12個入りで €2 です。粒が大きくておいしい!

Since I love chestnuts, I couldn't help but buy one bag.  €2 for dozens.  They were very big and good!

The Santa Justa Elevator (Elevador de Santa Justa). It connects the lower streets of the Baixa with the higher Bairro Alto.
マラソン (10km?) 大会があったようで、たくさんの人が走っていました。みんなが走り終わるまで、道路を渡ることはできません。でもみんな辛抱強く待っていました。

There was a (10 km?) race, and many people were running.  We couldn't cross the street until all the runners passed.  But everyone was waiting very patiently...

We found pastéis de nata, Portuguese egg tart pastry, in the cafe showcase.  They looked very yummy.

There were also many other desserts that I had never seen before.

I guess these were leftover from Christmas??

I don't know what they were, but they all looked very sweet.

These were also for Christmas??
ロッシオ広場からすごく急な上り坂&階段を上ってバイロアルト地区まではーはー言いながら到着して、ぱっと横を見るとケーブルカーが。もっと早くに知っていたらこれに乗って来たのに。リスボンにはこのケーブルカーが3路線あって、恐ろしく急な坂を上り下りするのに使われています (下りに使う人はあまりいないけど)。

From the Rossio Square, we climbed up very steep slopes and steps to Bairro Alto (I was almost dead...), and then we found this cable car...  If we had known about it, we would have used it to come up...  There are 3 cable car lines in Lisbon and they are used to go up and down very steep (really, very steep, much more than San Fransisco) slopes (although not many people use it to go down).
バイロアルト地区を散策した後徒歩で坂を下り (下りはとっても楽チン) 、レスタウラドレス広場へ。広場にあるオベリスクは60年間にわたるスペイン支配から脱した1640年の再独立を記念して建てられたものです。

After walking around Bairro Alto, we went down (it was very easy to go down!) to the Restauradores Square (Praça dos Restauradores).  This square commemorates Portugal's liberation from 60 years of Spanish rule in 1640.  In the center is an obelisk with two bronze figures on the pedestal depicting Victory and Freedom

We sat at a cafe and ordered coffee and pastéis de nata.

Pastéis de Belem, started in 1837, is famous for pastéis de nata, but these one were very tasty, too.  The skin was surprisingly crispy and they were totally different from ones we can get in Boston (China Town).
その後歩行者天国のアウグスタ通りを歩いて、"勝利のアーチ" と呼ばれるゴージャスな門を通り抜け、コルメシオ広場へ。ここは1775年に起こったリスボン大地震で破壊された宮殿の跡を広場にしたものです。広場はテージョ川に面しているため、開放的な雰囲気。

After that, we walked on Rua Augusta passing the Rua Augusta Arch to the Commerce Square (Praça do Comércio).  This square was built where it used be the Palace (Paços da Ribeira) which was totally destroyed by the big earthquake in 1775.  The square is faces to the Tejo River and it feels very open.

In the middle of the square is the statue of King José I.  We walked a lot today and it was just the first day!  But there are so many things to see, so we have to walk more tomorrow!

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